
3 Tips To Speak Seductively And Make Her HORNY

Your voice and the words that come out of your mouth are 2 extremely powerful tools when it comes to seduction.

The smoother you sound and the more seductive your words are, the WETTER she’ll be.

Here are 3 tips to become that sexy speaker that seduces the panties off of women with ease:

Speak slowly – Make it seem as if each word is important. As if the whole world around you has slowed down and it’s just you and her.

Speak softly – Not so softly that she needs you to repeat things because she can’t hear you. But soft enough so only she can hear it – nobody else. In short, make it slightly louder than a whisper.

Speak seductively – Inject words that have subtle sexual connotation. Convey interest in intercourse, without actually saying it outright.
Now I know the first 2 tips are easy enough to follow. But that third one is a bit vague…

Speaking seductively is an art that very few men have mastered. And those who have mastered it, have mastered a LOT of women.

And when you know how to do this anytime, in any situation… You’ll be able to chemically attract women, and KEEP her attracted for as long as you want!

If you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

Say this ONE sentence to her today! (you’re welcome)

Be honest.

Do you ever struggle with knowing exactly what to say to attract women?

Or create sexual TENSION so powerful that she’s practically the one making the moves on you?

Next time you’re in meet a girl for the first time, try this:

Step 1 – When you shake her hand for the first time, hold the handshake for 3 seconds longer than you normally would…

Step 2 – When holding the handshake, slightly squint your eyes while holding strong eye contact, and a sly smile on your face (almost like you know a funny secret about her, and don’t want to tell her)… This is called a “seductive gaze”

Step 3 – When she tells you her name, while still holding the seductive gaze on your face, say the following:

“Nice to meet you (insert HER name). I’m (insert YOUR name). And if you forget my name 5 minutes from now, I’ll be very…*pause for dramatic effect*… disappointed in you.”

INSTANT Attraction.

The 3 steps above are PROVEN to spark powerful sexual tension, and chemically attract women when you first meet them.

There was nothing “creepy” or “gamey” about it… In fact, everything seemed completely natural.

And truth is…

If you want to attract a girl, and KEEP her attracted, you MUST know how to create tension like this – on command.

Tension is the KEY to attracting women…

Because TENSION is the building block to making her attracted to you!

And when you know how to do this anytime, in any situation… You’ll be able to chemically attract women, and KEEP her attracted for as long as you want!

And, of course, if you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

8 Common Problems When Texting Girls.

Texting is a GREAT way to get girls into the sack. But unless you know what you’re doing, you can actually do more harm than good.

Don’t believe me? Here are 8 common problems guys run into with texting girls. See if any look familiar to you:

1. You’re stumped on the first text
2. You’re not sure how to ask her out
3. She doesn’t even remember you
4. She’s stringing you along
5. She declines your invitations
6. You offend her
7. She keeps flaking
8. She stops responding completely

I’d say every guy has run into at least one of those common texting problems. Now here’s how to overcome them:

Click to learn more…

No matter what issue you run into, you’ll find the EXACT solution right there.

Getting numbers is great. But getting dates and getting LAID is even better…


She hates you… but you still make her wet

By far, the biggest mistake men make when they want to make a woman wet…

Is thinking that LUSTING FOR YOU somehow comes from LIKING you.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

You see, whether or not a girl ‘likes’ you and approves of you…

Has nothing to do with whether or not she wants to wrap her legs around you and draw you deep inside her.

In fact…

Women are more likely to fantasize about getting bent over and ravaged by a guy they don’t particularly “like” in the traditional sense.

==> Discover how to make her fantasize about getting pounded by you here

That’s because LUST and LIKING exist in different areas of her brain…

“Liking” is generated in the rational, logical part of the brain…

And lust is activated in the deeper, more primal, animal part of the brain…

The good news is…

That a woman’s primal, animal brain is much more powerful than her logical, reasonable one…

And guys who know how to activate it…

Have an insane amount of choice with women..

When you think about it, we men aren’t that different:

I’m sure there’s been a girl you didn’t particularly “like” or connect with…

But you wouldn’t hesitate to slide into bed with her and tear her panties off.

The main difference between men’s and women’s brains…

Is where a man’s primal lust is triggered by a woman’s physical appearance…

A woman’s primal lust is triggered by the signals his body language gives off…

That’s why carrying yourself a certain way will make a woman squirm in her seat…

It’ll make her want to reach down and start touching herself…

And she’ll be picturing your face as she crests over…

And, of course, if you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

How to Make Her Say YES To Almost Anything!

What makes a woman say “yes” to sleeping with a guy?

I’ll give you a hint…

If she thinks you’re too “easy,” she’ll never sleep with you.

In fact, the science is clear…

In order to turn a woman on and make her horny for you, you must be a challenge.

And if you want her to fall HARD for you… in a way that she’s never felt for any man before…

Then you actually have to make her CHASE you.

So how do you make that happen?

Here’s a sneaky-but-ethical way to make a woman start to chase you:

Make her do little favors for you.

This is called “Compliance.”

For example, let’s say you’re talking to a girl at a bar.

Ask her to do you a favor and hold your drink for a second.

If you need a reason why, tell her you have to tie your shoe, or look up a picture in your phone, or say hi to a friend real quick.

When she does you a favor, she’ll start to feel like she already likes you…

Even if you just met and have only been talking for 30 seconds.

The more you use this easy little technique, the more that feeling grows inside of her.

Until “I think I might like this guy” turns into… “I need this guy inside of me right fvcking now.”

All you have to do is keep keep getting her to do innocent little favors for you…

Like follow you to another part of the bar…

Or get you another drink…

Or put a song on the jukebox for you…

Or wait for you while you call an uber back to your place…

Just keep asking for slightly bigger favors…

Once she says yes to something small, she’ll keep saying yes to bigger and bigger things…

It’s a slippery-slope process from holding your drink… to hopping in a cab and going home with you.

Like a tiny little snowball that turns into an AVALANCHE.

And this innocent little technique is what “triggered” it.

Try it the next time you’re out and let me know what happens.

And, of course, if you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

P.S. The key to making this work is to keep your favors small and innocent, so she really can’t say “no” to you…

3 Biggest “Conversation Mistakes”

I was talking to a friend of mine who wasn’t getting the results he wanted.

He was asking me whether his “approaches sucked”, or he wasn’t “escalating well”, and trying to pick my brain for what the answer was.

It was actually right in front of his eyes.

It’s funny that guys spend SO MUCH time agonizing over how to solve these different problems in their game that they don’t actually focus on one of the most important ones:


Because let’s face it – you’re gonna be spending most of your time picking up women … TALKING to them!

Hours, and hours of taking.

(It’ll be fun don’t worry…)

So if you’re struggling with girls, odds are that your problem lies in BASIC conversation skills.

But look, I’ve been coaching guys to meet women over 10 years and there are 3 major problems that every guy seems to have when it comes to speaking to women.

We’re going to address these today. And I’ll throw in some simple tips. (Lucky you).

1) They can’t seem to start a conversation at all

The biggest one guys struggle with.

They can’t figure out what to say. They can’t figure out how to break that distance between them and the girl. They don’t know what the right “opener” is.

The good news is that what you say to start the conversation doesn’t matter that much.

This stems from trying to find the “perfect line”, which kinda comes from watching too many bad movies. The reality is that there is no perfect line, and even if there was, it wouldn’t work 90% of the time.

So forget about that and just say something.

2) They run out of things to say

Guys think they’re doing well in a conversation but then they go blank. They can’t think of anything and they panic.

I used to call this “hitting the wall.”

You have to able to keep the conversation going in order to move it forward.

Here’s a tip: read a lot of books, have a lot going on in your life. It’ll make this a lot easier.

Discover this SET GAME PLAN to having fool-proof conversations with Women

3) They “weird the girl out”

Guys hate to admit this, but it’s actually pretty common.

They’re too needy, too anxious, taking things too seriously, and it makes her feel uncomfortable.

You need to chill out, and pay attention to her level of comfort.

One thing that is going to help you here is not pursuing women too hard. Ultimately she makes the final choice, and she’ll make it the more she INVESTS IN YOU. You aren’t going to get her to do that if you do all the chasing.

That’s it for today.

If you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

Click here to learn how to ‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

P.S. This is an easier thing to fix than you’d think. Because unlike approaching or escalation, you can actually practice a lot of conversational habits with ANYONE.

What To Do If She’s Playing “Hard to Get”

Man, doesn’t it suck when a girl plays “hard to get”…?

You never know what she wants.

Maybe she likes you… or maybe she’s wasting your time.

Well here’s one little technique that will instantly make her want you back.

It’s called “The Takeaway”

And when you use it on a girl who’s acting “hard to get”…

She will automatically start hitting on you, chasing you, and making it obvious she likes you.

Here’s how it works.

First, you’re going to make her smile and laugh…

Then, you’re going to playfully reject her.

Here’s 3 examples of how to do it right:

1. In conversation…

This is where you playfully disagree with her and push her away.

Let’s say you’re getting along well with a girl you just met, and she tells you, “I went to Ohio State!”

Instead of saying “oh wow that’s so great, go Buckeyes, woohoo”…

And totally agreeing with what she says (lame, weak, unattractive)…

You might respond “Oh no… That’s a deal breaker. Ohio State girls are bad news.

We could never date, we’d end up killing each other.”

You push her away by telling her why she can’t date you.

2. With your body language.

Imagine you’re talking to a cute girl it’s going well

(the perfect time to do a “Takeaway” is when the conversation is going well).

Once she’s laughing and having a good time…

Start turning your body away from her, like you’re not paying attention anymore…

You might even tease her and say something like:

“Oh my god, you’re just too much for me, I knew you were trouble, I can’t be seen talking to you anymore..”

And then turn around and start walking away from her.

She’ll feel like she’s losing you, and she’ll start working harder to get you back…

Don’t be surprised if she starts giggling, touching you, grabbing you, and trying to prove herself to you.

3. Over text message.

Let’s say you’re texting back and forth with a girl and she’s responding pretty quickly.

The next time she texts you… put it on hold and don’t get back to her for a few hours.

(instead of replying right away like most guys who are desperate for her).

Her mind will go crazy wondering why you’re not getting back to her.

She’ll be sitting there wondering if she did something wrong…

And thinking of ways to make you like her more…

If a girl has ever ignored YOUR text, then you know what that feels like…

You probably sat there staring at your phone, wondering if you did something wrong…

And hoping you still had a chance with the girl…

So use it on HER at the right time, and she’ll want you in the same way.

That’s when she’ll start chasing you and trying to win you over.

And when she does – reward her. Make her feel good for chasing you.

Let her know that it’s working, that is IS winning you over, and she will keep chasing you…

All the way to your bedroom.

Make sense?

If you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

Some examples of how I “tease” girls

A friend of mine struggles a lot with women.

He’s good looking, has his life together, but his conversations fall flat.

And the reason for this is simple, they aren’t very fun.

He doesn’t take RISKS, and he isn’t playful with the women he speaks to.

This is because he doesn’t “tease.” And to help you avoid this mistake, I’m going to explain what teasing is.

Teasing is the art of saying something slightly mean but with the underlying meaning of the communication being “I like you.”

Here’s the FIRST thing to understand: It’s never too early to tease.

You don’t need a reason to do it, but do need the ability to keep your mouth moving and their attention focused on you long enough to distract them from the comment.

This means I never say: “You and I are never going to get along.”

And pause…………………

Because when I do, the answer invariably is “You’re right”.

So I say “you and I are never going to get along. So back to my friend – his girlfriend finds these letters and pictures… blah blah”

You tease and you move on.

Remember that teases are like a tiny little pebble you throw out to keep the target’s ATTENTION while we work the group.

Also the second major thing to remember is to keep a little “balancer” on the tip of your tongue if she does get peeved.

When she’s starting to actually get pissed (I.E not flirting) like she asks you what that means…

All you need to do is compliment her to bring her back around.

You: You and I are not going to get along”

Her: You’re right you should leave

You: You know why? we’re too similar.

That little compliment is enough to bring her back around. The same rule regulates complimenting, only in reverse.

Every one has generically complimented a girl and gotten the cold:


Well you can still pull that back by simply adding a pause and a tease.

You: You’ve got really nice nails…

Her: …thanks……

You: Are they real? (Sceptical look)

Her: no… they were real expensive!

You: Oh well they are still nice

If she was really gushing and enthusiastic about the compliment, I’ll leave it there. But when she responds less than enthusiastically, I take away the compliment with a tease.

Learning the right way to go about it can save you 99% of the mistakes that other guys will make.

Just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

..and download your copy now.

Hope that helps.

Some Ways to Get Better at “Daytime Approaching”

A lot of guys are interested in approaching women on the street.

They see hot girls walking around during the day and they want to know how to go about it.

Well first, a reality check:

For most guys, and it was definitely this way for me when I started out – if you approach 10 women on the street, around 4 of them will ACTUALLY have a conversation with you that’ll last over 5 minutes.

For better guys, this number goes up.

But for either guy, the number of contact details you get, and number of dates you get off the back of that is REALLY low.

Usually 2 dates from 10 approaches tops.

It’s an ineffective, inefficient method of meeting women. And why wouldn’t it be?

It’s the coldest of cold approaches.

Women have stuff to do during the day, that’s why they’re not at home.

This is why street approaches should really make up the SMALLEST portion of your approaches.

That said, being able to approach correctly on the street makes every other kind of approach you do 1000 times easier.

If you could swim in a crazy storm you could swim pretty easy in a tranquil pool right?

Here are some ways to massively enhance your success:

1) Direct openers are better than indirect

“Indirect openers” are a waste of time when it comes to picking up women on the street. They’re in a hurry, or they’re just going to want to know what your intentions are.

Be direct. Qualify them early. The ones that are interested will stay.

2) Lower your energy

This is huge. People are chilled out during the day so don’t come at her with some crazy, dialled up to 10 “nightclub energy.”

Be chilled, relaxed, and normal. Think of it like you’re reading the news.

3) It’s actually easier

There’s less stigma with approaching during the day. Sure, it’s kinda uncommon, but girls don’t have their shields up in the same way they do at a night-club. They’re not expecting to be hit on and not expecting to reject guys.

Remember this when you’re out there and you see a girl you like.

Learning the right way to go about it can save you 99% of the mistakes that other guys will make.

If you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

Make her CRAVE your touch

You might’ve heard of Dr. Pavlov’s famous experiment:

Where he’d ring a bell every time he fed his dogs…

And after a few repetitions…

Just hearing the bell would make the dogs salivate uncontrollably.

The sound of the bell became powerfully linked in the dogs’ brains to the feeling of hunger…

And they couldn’t help drooling.

It’s a process called classical Conditioning…

And you can use it to get any woman hungry for your touch…

When you casually touch a woman in a certain way every time she has positive feelings…

She starts to ASSOCIATE your touch with those “good feelings”…

And very quickly…

She’s thinking about your touch all the time…

She’s imagining how good it’ll make her feel…

And when you’re not around…

She experiences an intense craving to feel your hands on her.

Learning the right way to go about it can save you 99% of the mistakes that other guys will make.
If you want to get all of the best thinking on what creates that magical thing called ATTRACTION inside of a woman, then you need to read the eBook “Attract Hotter Women”… just go to:

‘Attract Hotter Women’