I’ve got a bunch of YOUR emails waiting for me today. Let’s get right to MY brilliant answers…
Q. ***Success Story***
I just had to tell you how great your stuff is.
I got your first email (ten things most guys do) and before I finished reading the list, I went to the site and ordered the book. I figured what can I lose, I don’t have success now and I spent more then $40 on my last date and they offer a 100% money back deal.
I read it as soon as I downloaded it then read it again the next day, of course went and bought comedy writing secrets the 3rd day and read that the same afternoon.
I have to tell you I was clueless before I read your book. I would naturally get a few women attracted to me when I wasn’t trying because I didn’t have interest in them and would bust on them for my own amusement.
Of course when ever I got a date I would turn into major Wuss boy and do all the things I shouldn’t. I now understand and it all makes perfect sense.
The best part about your system is that it’s not trying to manipulate women it’s teaching you how to make yourself more attractive to them. I still have a lot to learn but it’s only been a week since I ordered the book so I’m well on my way. Wuss boy no more.
On to the success, remember it’s just the first week so it’s still minor success right now.
I’m naturally introverted so coming up with spur of the moment funny is somewhat of a problem (I’m working on it everyday).
With that said I decided to get some practice with online personals. I had already posted a profile before so I went back made some modifications and started sending emails.
I did ok with my own cocky/funny responses but it was taking a little too much time to write the emails… I started taking some of your examples and modifying them to my own needs.
So far I’m at about a 90% response rate, and I’m only sending emails to the best looking girls on there who have obviously gotten a lot of emails. One of the responses I just got today (she looks like about a 9.5 from her pics) was:
“Hey… as far as I know I am fairly normal… I think! I’m kinda in a hurry so I can’t really write much right now… sorry but I will definitely get back to you Mr. Cuteness! (God this stuff is great, I’m gonna have some fun with this one!)”
Also one of the dates I went on only a day or two after reading your stuff went great. I had her laughing the entire time and even had her telling me about her sex toys. (Most women I know like to talk about sex just as much as guys so if you can bring it up in a cocky/funny way you can have some great conversation.)
Anyway, on to the end. I knew I wasn’t really interested in her so I cut it short and didn’t take things to the next step, but it was great practice and I got an email the next day saying how much she enjoyed herself and that I am naturally charismatic and that if I didn’t vibe her the same way she still wants to hang out.
Oh I don’t want to forget, I used the you want me thing and had her blushing. Needless to say I’m about to start having a lot of fun. Thanks for giving me that great big He-Bitch- Slap and smacking the wuss out of me.
Forever Grateful (I know wussie closing),
D at the U of A
P. S. For those of you who haven’t done it: Read the book!
A. Hey D., you have no idea how glad I am that I could help… and we all need some help at some point in life.
And I REALLY appreciate your comment about my materials not being about manipulating women… but instead being about becoming attractive to women. Most men don’t get this distinction, but once you DO get it, an entirely different world opens up… and all kinds of things become available that weren’t before.
And just so you (and everyone reading this) knows…

Learn To Get Women Without Saying A Word
Even if you have a PhD in English, you can’t talk your way to triggering intense, can’t-control-herself ATTRACTION in a woman without sending the right “unspoken” messages to her as well.
That’s why – if you’ve dreamed of making women want you without being a “smooth talker” or the life of the party -here’s how to get a woman’s attention… spark attraction … even have her chase you… using only subtle gestures and subliminal signals she can’t resist!
Get an education in using your body to get HERS right here:
I Was Just Like You When I Got Started
The Cocky & Funny comments didn’t come quickly and naturally to me. I practiced a lot online, chatted with a lot of women, etc. to polish up my skills. It didn’t help that I had to also figure out what Cocky & Funny even was to begin with… but I feel where you’re coming from.
So stay with it. You’re on the right track.
Q.Your material is awesome. It has completely changed my dating and it’s results. I lost a really hot girlfriend late last year, and it wasn’t until I started reading your newsletters that I finally understood what went wrong.
I wussed out, completely. “I just need some room to find myself. It’s not you, it’s me.” Man you were literally quoting my gf!
But now I get it. In the last few months I have been able to get phone numbers every time I go out, if I want to. I get chicks to buy me drinks now, and had one girl force her number on me. Gotta love that.
Even some of the girls with boyfriends I hang out with every now and then are saying I’m cocky, and pull the o’l hit me on the shoulder and give me the “I can’t believe you just said that” look, with a big smile of course. Man everything you have said makes perfect sense, and really works.
I got my first date from an online dating service by replying to this chick with a very cocky and slightly funny statement that I mostly intended to drive her away. She wrote back saying I was way too cocky, but you know what? She went out with me! Muahahahaaa.
I haven’t found the right girl yet, but your techniques have helped me weed out more wrong ones in the last few months than in the last few years before. And I can’t describe how cool it feels to have a stack of numbers that I will never call, but know I could if I wanted too.
I’m about to get your e-book, so I’ll keep you updated on how well that works.
One question though, what’s your deal with tea?
Thanks, CL – Dallas, TX
A. Lol… what’s my deal with tea? It’s classy, cheap, and quick. And you can escape if she winds up being crazy. Try it, you’ll like it. Oh, and iced tea is acceptable as well, by the way.
Now, you said a lot of great stuff in your email…
You’re not the only guy who’s heard those painful words “I need to find myself” and “It’s not you, it’s me.” But now that you understand ATTRACTION better, you’ll definitely be preventing that in the future.
Also, I enjoyed your story about the online personal date… and how she said that you were too cocky, then went out with you. Now you’re getting it, and I like the way you think… you haven’t found the right girl yet, but by beginning to understand attraction you’ve been able to weed out the ones who aren’t right for you faster.
That in mind, I have a question for you…
It’s the one you get when you download and read my book… make sure and pay close attention to it. It’s called The 8 Personality Types Of Men Who Are Naturally Attractive To Women, and it’s 100% GUARANTEED to help you understand how to keep the girl you want once you find her.
Go read the report, and thanks for the email.
Q.My name is N, thank you for ur kind email. I have had, for the past six years problems talking to women.
Often I approach one that takes my fancy in a bar and she just laughs in my face, perhaps it is my mullet and novelty beard but i don’t want to change my image as I’m happy with the way i look.
I also seem to find myself feeling sexually pent up and this makes me more desperate and hence starts a chain of cataclysmic problems in which i just frighten off any women by suggesting she “come back to my place”.
I don’t know how to leave this vicious circle of dating desperation i have found myself in. I was just wondering if you had any advice for such a lost cause.
Yours faithfully,
N (the potential loser)
A. Sometimes I get emails from guys who say things like “Are all those stories and emails you print real? Or do you make them up?”…
Mullet and novelty beard? The potential loser?
Yep, that’s a real question, from a real person… I’m here to tell ya… I don’t make any of these stories and questions up… ever. Not even one.
I mean, could I make up stuff like this?
Q. You know I’m not dissing you, I’m sure you provide a good service, but I am a regular guy and I like to do for others, especially women I like, and I’m not gonna hide who I am.
I’m a nice guy who does not play games, I’ll admit I get played, sometimes, but that’s the price I have to pay for being such a great guy. good luck and I hope that not too many meaningless relationships come from your advice, leading to a higher divorce rate.
A. Okay… I’ve included the above letter because I want to use it to demonstrate the attitude of a guy who is naturally unsuccessful with women.
This particular guy actually thinks that his approach of getting played a few times because “That’s the price I have to pay for being such a nice guy” is not only the best thing for him, but also the best thing for everyone else.
Notice the “I hope not too many meaningless relationships come from your advice” comment. The subtle implication here is that what I teach is bad for relationships… and that doing for others and being a nice guy are the ultimate sacrifice and demonstration of your superiority.
Well, I have some sobering news for you…
Doing Nice Things For A Woman Is The Ultimate Way To “Play Games” And “Manipulate” Her
Walking into a relationship with a woman thinking that doing unhealthy, unbalanced things like taking her out, buying her things, and giving her gifts is the biggest way to try to “manipulate” a woman… you’re basically trying to “buy” her attention. It’s the WUSSY thing to do.
Even worse… when women sense this manipulative behavior, they take advantage of the perks without giving anything in return.
And finally, your not-so-subtle suggestion that the things I teach guys contributes to meaningless relationships and a higher divorce rate did not go unnoticed. And guess what? It’s also misinformed.
The reality is that YOU are the one who is doing things that are leading to more meaningless relationships and a higher divorce rate.
Stop the insanity, man. WOMEN DON’T WANT WUSSIES. Period. They don’t want men who have to buy their attention and approval. They don’t want men who act like women.
Want to make yourself more attractive to women? Then understand just one simple fact right now:
Women Want Men Who Act Like Men
Do yourself a huge favor. Think this one over carefully. I can tell that you’re not TRYING to manipulate women and do things that lead to a more meaningless relationship and contribute to a higher divorce rate… but you are.
If you’d like to stop doing it, I suggest you click here right now:
Q.You have been a god-send the last few months since i discovered your mailing list. It’s been a great daily reminder and motivator. But now i have a kinda odd question.
You’ve always taught that attractive women are always approached and they all have seen and heard all the lines. yada yada. BUT what if I’m not normal and i don’t chase after hot model figures, but rather a down to earth, pretty cute and nice, not too wild, doesn’t even go to bars much.
Would your advice still apply. This situation kinda reminds me of American Pie, where one of the characters, i forget his name, has to go after a not so hot, plain Jane choir girl.
I’m sure if she was real, she would not have been approached by as many guys as a hot girl would be approached by. Does the cocky/funny attitude come off as different for this type of girl, or just kinda rude and pushy.
Please include this in your newsletter as I’m sure there’s a bunch of guys out there that don’t always go after the head cheerleader type. Do it for all of us nerds.
PS. One of my favorite tips in your book was to watch James Bond movies and learn his posture and attitude, etc. Its killer, i swear its worked like gold for me. Lots of contact from females. woohoo
MO from KS
A. Yes, my advice will still apply. Now quit talking about it and thinking about it and get out there and do something.
Find out for yourself. The only one who can really validate this stuff for you is you.
Go use the materials!
Q.Bullseye! Your e-book is exactly right!
It reminds me of when I was flying for the Air Force (Trust me, nobody is cockier than a pilot). My buddies and I would walk into a Dallas bar like we owned the place (shoulders back, chin up, slow walk).
Guys would end up with some absolutely gorgeous women before to long. Sometimes it only took as much as catching a woman looking at you, curling your finger in a come hither fashion and you were off to the races.
After reading your book, I realize the attraction was all about body language. We just did it without thinking about it or having a method. I had no idea there was a method so I want to learn more.
Now I realize just about all the times I’ve been wildly successful with women have to do with cocky+funny and other techniques you mention. “Oh! My hair is such a mess,” she said.
And I replied, “Yeah, it is! I don’t think I can be seen with you!” I had to laugh when I read that one. I actually used that quite a while ago. She grinned, smacked me in the arm and said, “Shut up!” — still grinning.
Also, every time I’ve failed miserably with a woman it is because of something you recognized as failure tactics.
Like you, I’ve been on both sides of the dating capabilities fence and the women and life in general are soooo much better on this side as an alpha male. You’ve done a great job of focusing your product on meeting women but readers should know that you are selling a whole lot more than just technique.
You’re selling a bit of freedom, self-respect, and relaxation. Think about it. what kind of lion would you rather be? The alpha male that owns hundreds of square miles, never goes hungry, and gets laid, or the juvenile male who gets his ass kicked and has to hump a tree for companionship?
It’s good to be the king! It’s all in the mind set.
I’ve got a question. My home town is pretty small and so has small town women looks if you know what I mean so I’m kind of stuck. Luckily, there is a great city about 75 miles away that I’m trying to move to.
I go there pretty often especially since I have family there. Until I move, I probably won’t be going to the city just for a cup of tea and some stimulating conversation.
But I figure on meeting my next girlfriend from the big city I can say, “I’m hanging out with my brother on Saturday. Maybe afterwards you could meet me at Juan Valdez’s cafe for a cup of tea and stimulating conversation.” Sound like a plan? What other suggestions do you have for a guy with high standards living in a small town?
Thanks, SS Colorado
A. You know, as I read your email I thought about that scene in that 80’s classic “Top Gun” where they’re in the bar, and the guys are all in uniform picking up the babes. The arrogance and cocky attitudes coming from Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer were the epitome of what you’re talking about.
It’s interesting that you had that experience in real life.
I’ve only known one guy that was a Top Gun Pilot type of guy. He was from San Diego, and he was actually one of the instructors at the Top Gun school. This guy was probably 5’4″ tall… but he had this attitude about him that said “I am the man.”
He was always surrounded by women, of course.
To answer your question, I think you’re on the right track. I’ve had dates with women that lived 2,500 miles away… no problem.
Instead of maybe afterwards you could meet me you could say “I’m going to be in the area on Sunday… so get me while the gettin is good… and don’t screw this up!”
The “maybe you could meet me” sounds weak.
You’re not looking for approval, remember?
Q. I had the ultimate C&F zen moment at the end of my date last night.
When I first scheduled a date with this girl, I’d been making some comments about sandwiching her in between my 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock (quite literally, I am booked solid… hot dates for weeks in advance, thanks to you and C&F!), so she had better impress me in her allotted time slot since the competition was so fierce.
Anyway, had a fun night of cocktails, busting on her the whole time, keeping her on the fine line between laughing her ass off and omigod-did-he-really-say-that?!
We were saying goodnight in the parking lot after, and the girl literally attacked me.
After making out with her for a few minutes I pulled back and said, totally deadpan, “Not bad… you were almost as good as my 6 o’clock.” At which point the girl practically screamed in (sexual) frustration, “You are SO damn cocky!… and I love it!”
Straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth. I’ll let you guess what happened next.
Your material has put me in the driver’s seat in relationships for the first time in, like, ever. I’ve now been on dates with 4 different girls over the last 5 nights.
Girls are fighting over me and my friends think I’m a god… all thanks to you and those three magic words, cocky and funny. Wow. I’m on the verge of nominating you as godfather for my dozens of imminent love children.
E. in Seattle
A. Wow, E., sounds to me like you’re on a rampage.
And isn’t it amazing how we’ve all had women talk about other guys, but most of us wouldn’t dream of mentioning other women? But, oh the effect it has… even when used in jest and fun.
Great story.
Oh, and if you’re reading this right now and thinking to yourself: “I really need to be having four dates in five nights,” then guess what? You’re right. You do.
And I’ll tell you something. If you’re walking around right now and you have no idea HOW to get four dates in five nights, then that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
In other words…
I Know What It’s Like To Have ZERO CLUE How To Succeed With Women
It basically SUCKS. It’s like a constant drag on your mind and emotions. Everywhere you go, and everywhere you look are more reminders of the fact that you don’t know how to attract women.
Well, I spent many years of my life in that same situation, and I finally got to the point where I just couldn’t stand it anymore.
It took me tons of trial and error, learning, testing, trying things that didn’t work, and getting to know guys who were naturals with women… but in the end I figured it out.
If you want to learn all of my very best ideas, techniques, and personal strategies, then I’d recommend that you check out my Advanced Dating Techniques program. It’s taken me literally years to put all of this great material together, and you can get it all in about 12 hours of instant online viewing. (Relax, you don’t need to watch it all at once!)
But you DO need to click here:

And… if you’ve gone through my Advanced Dating Techniques program, and you’d like to learn more specifics… like how to use Body Language to attract women, or how to master the teasing communication skill that I call Cocky & Funny, then go and check out my programs that are designed to help you with those areas…
For example, my program Body Language For Success With Women And Dating is one of the ultimate weapons in your ATTRACTION ARSENAL… it’s designed to teach you how to create and build attraction with your body language and voice tone alone!
If you’d like more details, you can learn more (plus watch some great video clips of the program) here:
Finally… if you haven’t downloaded my eBook Double Your Dating (and the three FREE bonus booklets that come along with it) then go do that right now. You can download it and be reading it within a few minutes. You can get it here.
Click to learn more…
I’ll talk to you soon.