
Lead your wives and children

What I can tell you is that men do not know how to lead their wives and children. They don’t know how to lead the life that an authentic man would lead.

When you learn how to be the man in the bedroom some exciting things happen:

Yes, you have a fantastic sex life.

Yes, your woman responds to you like never before.

Yes, you feel like the man.

But also, you start to see the world through a different lens.

You learn how to take responsibility and be a leader. And that will have ramifications in your life far beyond the bedroom.


The Biggest Lie You’ve Been Told About Women

You’ve been lied to.

Your entire life you’ve been told it’s the man’s job to “pursue” a woman and “win her over”.

But the truth is quite the opposite…

It’s actually the WOMAN’S job to chase the man.

Still with me?

I know it may sound hard to believe… but women are genetically programmed to chase you…

And there’s science to back this up.

Research proves that deep down, what every woman secretly wants is to find a man she can SERVE…

Sexually… emotionally… and every other way she can imagine.

But not just any man…

She will ONLY chase a man if he does a few very specific things.

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Boost YOUR confidence with women

If you had to pinpoint the most essential trait any man can have, it would probably be this:


Without confidence, your life will be lacking in almost every single department…

Because confidence is what helps you push forward. Helps you take risks that lead to rewards. And helps you do this:

ATTRACT things…

Confidence can help you attract advancements in your career. It can help you attract friends. And maybe most importantly to you, it can help you attract lovers…

Unfortunately, not all men are blessed with the confidence that The Rock has. And you can tell they lack it simply by the way they walk around…

Have you ever seen a guy who looked MISERABLE? Someone who looked like he HATED every single second of his life on this planet? A bona fide BETA male?

You probably have. And he probably exuded this lousy body language:

Slumped shoulders while looking down at the ground.

Believe it or not, your posture and body language can fluctuate with your confidence level. So if you haven’t been feeling so hot lately and are looking for a confidence boost, do this:

Breathe deeply – almost as if you’re giving your entire body and mental outlook a much-needed reset.
Stand tall and look forward – as if you’re actually proud of who you are and what you represent.
Push your shoulders back – until you feel that stretch like you’re putting them in their proper place.
Using this proper posture will not only make you LOOK more confident, it should make you FEEL more confident as well.

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Send her this txt message

The text message is down below, but first, you
need some CONTEXT, so I’ve got an important
question to ask ya…

Are you finding yourself having to go out on 3-5
“traditional” dates with a woman before you get

Do you find yourself being talked into these dates
because you tell yourself that they’re NOT the
kind of girl who’ll just come over to your place?

Are you spending a lot of money being this way?

How much would you estimate?

Are you wondering what the problem is?

It’s simple.

They see you as the “provider” and not the
“friend with benefits”.

Want to switch that around right now?

If you have a traditional date this weekend,
take out your phone and compose the following
text message:

Text message: Change of plans…

(Part 2): Tonight. Wine. My place. 8pm.

[Now, press send]

You will be astonished at the response you get.


(I’ll show you what I mean in a sec.)

This is good for BOTH of you.

The ONLY place that you should be getting
to know each other is in the comfort of your
own home.

Remember, dating is for people in serious
relationships, so you need to stop acting
like you’re in one before you ARE.

(Re-read this paragraph again and let it sink in)

What if she doesn’t agree?

She might say, ‘I don’t feel comfortable doing

All good.

If she doesn’t agree for ANY reason, you now
know exactly who you’re dealing with.

She doesn’t fit your criteria for the type of
woman you want to hang out with.

Simply text her back: Ok, cool. Reach out
when you DO.

End of story.

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Why It Sucks To Be A Man Right Now

You can barely switch on the TV these days or read the news without hearing another story about some guy accused of sexual harassment.

It’s gotten to the point where a lot of men are afraid to even look at a woman now for fear of being labeled a creep.

And it’s easy to fall into this trap…

To think you can’t flirt with and seduce women anymore.

That you’ll be looked at as some kind of sexual predator.

But here’s the truth that isn’t really being talked about:

Women are only calling out men who they didn’t feel any kind of sexual attraction to…

Guys like Harvey Weinstein and other power players who used their influence to bargain for sex.

And that’s the lesson here.

If a woman sleeps with you because she feels obligated… or only because she’s getting something from you…

She’ll see you as a creep or loser and feel disgusted by you.

BUT when you know how to trigger sexual arousal so deep she feels it in her bones…

Not only will she not mind when you have your way with her…

She’ll usually throw herself at you so hard it’ll look like she’s the one molesting you.

And with the current climate of #metoo and sexual harassment, you NEED to know this.

Because if you don’t, you never know when some girl will publicly call you out as a pervert and ruin your reputation.

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This “50 Shades Of Grey Text” Gets Her Heart Pounding

Did you know… a vast majority of women like to READ romance and fantasize …?

(like 50 Shades of Grey, romance novels, or dirty Fan-Fiction stories on the internet)

It’s true. If you know a girl between the ages of 18-35 years old, it’s almost certain she’s used these stories …

The “written word” has a special erotic power over the female mind.

Here’s why:

A woman gets turned on in her HEAD before she gets turned on in BED.

Make sense? It all starts in her imagination.

But when she’s watching a movie (like porn)… there’s nothing to imagine, it’s all clearly laid out for her to see.

That’s why women don’t usually WATCH porn… they READ it.

When she’s reading a story, her imagination goes wild… and she’s free to indulge in every taboo, explicit fantasy that crosses her mind.

Now… what if YOU could trigger her sexual imagination in the exact same way?

If you could get her to READ something you wrote for her, something that was guaranteed to turn her on and get her thinking about YOU, it would get her turned on the same way she thinks about men in romance novels and erotic literature.

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Strange trick to conquering the “Bar Scene”

Rule #1 of going out to meet women:

Guys who go out to pick up chicks… don’t pick up any chicks.

Why? Because when you’re trying to pick up chicks, you’re needy. And neediness is repulsive.

The guys who get all the girls don’t NEED to get the girls. Their mindset is very different.

To show you what I mean, here are a few distinctions in the right and wrong ways to THINK:
Needy Guy – “What do I say to make those girls like me? I better wait until I have something good enough to say, otherwise I might get rejected.”

You – “I wonder if those girls are fun and interesting, or super boring and a waste of time… Let’s go find out.”

Needy guy – “Let’s go to a different bar, the party there is way better”

You – “Let’s invite everyone here, because we ARE the party.”

Needy guy – “Hey girls… here I am! Watch me demonstrate my value and be super cool…”

You – “Oh hello girls… there YOU are. Tell me all about you.”

Make sense?

Change your mindset, change your results.

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Build Chemistry WITHOUT Saying A Word

Have you ever been on a date with someone where you just sensed a spark that made it super-easy to talk to her?

Everything flowed perfectly. Your conversation never ended. And it seemed like you knew her for years…

If you have experienced such chemistry, it probably turned into at least a friendship. And maybe it even turned into a hookup or a relationship.

Such instant, natural chemistry can be hard to find. Which is when some people find it, they attribute it to “destiny.”

Well you can wait around your entire life hoping for such a connection to appear. Or you can start doing things to make it appear, such as this:

Mimic her moves.

Some may say this is trying to force chemistry. But all you’re really doing is trying to show her you’re on the same wavelength. This will make her subtly believe that she’s meant to be with you…

This low-key method of seduction is called “mirroring.” It’s where you copy her moves and “flow”…

For instance, picking up your drink when she picks up hers. Leaning the way she leans. Smiling when she smiles. Laughing when she laughs. Speaking in the same tone and volume. And so on….

Don’t make it obvious that you’re mirroring her. Do it as naturally as possible so you don’t seem like you’re trying too hard…

As you continue to mirror her, she should pick up on your signals. And if things go well, you should be taking her home after you pick up the check.

Mirroring is one great way to build chemistry. But as good as your nonverbal signaling is, you’ll still have to speak if you hope to hit a home run.

What should you say to seduce her subtly?

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WARNING – Some men are virtually worshiped by women!

Some men are virtually worshiped by women while other men are totally invisible.

Maybe you’ve known the Nice Guy frustration of trying to get the attention of that gorgeous sexy woman in your circle of friends, or maybe at the office.

You know the one I’m talking about, everybody wants her.

But she ignores you, at least as a sexual threat.

And you just don’t know how to generate any heat between you are her.

It sucks.

You’re not commanding respect.

The wild sexual fantasies that she masturbates to are not about YOU.

Women have an intensely sexual nature that startles and frightens most “Nice Guys” when they discover it.

That beautiful, exquisite woman of yours will belong to the man who can capture her mind and take her to places that no other man can.

That man needs to make her cum harder and feel more pleasure than she’s ever felt before.

That’s why Bad Boys usually win by default.

Giving herself to a powerful man is every woman’s absolute dream.

There is The Mind Set that will allow YOU to be that man and do it far better than any idiot Bad Boy ever could.

You can own her fantasies, own her mind and give her erotic, wild screaming, blood-curdling whole body orgasms.

But to do that you have to be a sexual threat. You have to command respect.

And of course, you have to be dominant.


Are you a 5’s to 7’s kinda guy?

Do you find yourself settling with women who you don’t really find attractive?..

Do you ever lay awake at night wondering how much better life would be with someone you actually cared about by your side?

Big questions, I know…

But I’m asking it because i have a weird feeling that nobody has ever asked you that before…

Like REALLY asked you…

Think about it, long and hard…

What do you want?

What kind of woman do you want in your life?

No, Not just “A hot one”… Come on….

What does she look like…

How does she laugh…

Are your friends impressed with her?

What about your parents?

Does she make you happy on a daily basis?

Is she funny, does she snort when she laughs?

Wanna hear something crazy? Most men never really dig deep enough to what it is they want most…

But why not… When you buy a new car, a new condo, new wardrobe you absolutely do…

So, where is the disconnect?

When it comes to dating, to having the type of women in your life you truly desire, you’ve been negligent… You’ve become deficient…

And this is something that has a direct impact on your overall happiness and well being…

Well fortunately, It doesn’t take much to get started…

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