
The correct beliefs eliminate most of the work

Your beliefs will make or break you.

Sexuality is all mental.

Financial success is all mental.

Your health is really all mental.

The mind controls the body, and you control your mind.

By the way, I just gave you the secret formula to turn your sex life around (or turn anything in your life around).

If you want to change anything first change your beliefs about it.

When you have truly done that, your actions will change, and then the results you are getting will change.

The inner game that goes on inside of every man is what decides his fate.

I can teach a man everything I know, but if he just doesn’t BELIEVE himself to be worthy, his woman won’t respond to him.

Peter is clearly being held back by his beliefs:


“I have read a lot of materials about women. I don’t have a problem with sex, and I don’t have a problem with meeting women. It’s just all the stuff in between that gets me lost most of the time. It’s like a new discipline.

The funny thing is I have the discipline to run 10 miles a day and work out regularly with no problems. I’m disciplined with my finances as well. These things seem more difficult to do.

But I see guys attract women constantly and for them, it’s so easy, and not to judge, but it doesn’t seem hard to them.

I’m just not attracting the type of girl I really want.

Whenever I do get ones I really like, I always blow it.

You know, “got to get my hair done” or “let’s just be friends” before anything really jumps off.

I even had a super-hot girl over and couldn’t get a hard-on!!!

What’s up with that man?? That really messed me up.

My question is what would you suggest to speed up my learning curve. Would this be a confidence issue on my part?? I am a good looking, muscular, 6’2″ black guy.

I will not get passed over for someone 6 inches shorter and twice my weight anymore. There should be none of this.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to get this fixed!! I won’t live with this anymore! I’m ready to be the man!!! What do I need to do to speed up this learning process?”


Advice for Peter:

Read the beginning of this email about beliefs!

You said that you had a super-hot girl over but couldn’t get it up. Sex is controlled by the subconscious. Your subconscious sabotaged your sex with her.

That could be caused by you basing your self-worth on conquests, or that could be caused by you NOT BELIEVING that you deserve it.

You said that whenever you get ones you really like, you blow it.

And most importantly, you kept asking, “How do I speed up my learning curve?”.

…As if your entire mental state and the sum total of where you are currently at is merely an obstacle to be overcome.

…This is where our male thinking gets us into trouble.

You need to change your beliefs. That will change everything else FAST.

Learn to believe that you deserve good women.

You said you are not attracting the type of girl you really want. Do you know what kind of girl you really want?

Can you express it in positive terms such as “She must have ___ positive attribute, and she must have ___ positive attribute.”?

Do you know what the really important positive attributes are?

Your high-level logic mind thinks that you deserve a good woman, but your subconscious (what really matters) disagrees.

Here’s a hint:

Once you really dial in what the woman is like that you really want, reverse engineer and ask the question what kind of man would a woman like this need to be turned on and aroused?

Get out of your own head. Get in touch with her reality.

Then you’ll be getting much warmer.

Take responsibility for your own lot in life. And then take responsibility for changing that. Find your own sense of personal power and build upon it.

Learn to connect with a woman on an emotional level.

See women as the beautiful creatures that they are – deserving to receive incredible pleasure.

Stop thinking about what’s in it for you. Think about what’s in it for her.

Stop thinking about getting sex from her. Think about giving her really good sex.

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Be The Fucking Man


Do Girls Sleep With Guys They Hate?

What I’m about to say will be super controversial.

It might shock you… offend you… or cause you to question everything you believe about women.


It’s the truth. And you deserve to hear it.


It’s this: girls don’t ONLY have sex with guys they like or are attracted to.

I’ve had many discussions with women on this topic.

About 80% of them admitted they have sex with guys they don’t even like…

And in many cases they eagerly sleep with guys that they actually HATE.

It sounds crazy, right? I mean, why would they possibly do that?

It’s because some men know how to turn a woman on and make her so uncontrollably horny…

That she needs to have sex with him to satisfy that lust he created.

It’s raw and primal. And not something she consciously chooses.

So rather than judging a woman for her natural sexual impulses…

The only thing you should be concerned about is how you can tap into them yourself.

Because when you do, you won’t have to spend a lot of time trying to attract a woman or make her like you as a person…

You can just create intense feelings of lust and arousal in her, so she starts chasing you to satisfy her sexual craving.

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How To Read Body Language to Tell If She Wants You

Body language may be the most important way we communicate – at least when it comes to dating and sex.

The trouble is, most men aren’t sure exactly how to read a woman’s body language or how to project the right message using their own body language.

This cohesive guide will help you learn everything you’ve ever questioned about body language, making you the master of every woman you desire.

When it comes to communication, body language is king.

In fact, over half of what you communicate to other women is not in what you say…but what you do.

And likewise, most of what women communicate to you is through their actions.

But a recent study revealed that most men chronically underestimate how often women want sex — and a lot of this has to do with your ability to read body language.

Most women won’t just come out and say, “I want you to take me home right now!”

But what they will do is effectively “say” it with their bodies. You just have to know what to look for.

Don’t be the guy who thinks, “She just wants to be friends…”

When in reality she wants so much more…

And just like any other language, it’s not something you innately know — you have to learn it.

While it’s true that men were more likely to misinterpret a friendly cue as a sexually interested one, men were also more likely to misinterpret a sexually interested cue as a friendly one!

Another interesting tidbit: The men in the study were also more likely to confuse sadness with rejection.

Your brain might be hardwired to want sex, but it’s not hardwired to recognize when a woman does and doesn’t want it.

This vast difference in ability to accurately interpret body language has been dubbed the “Lost in Translation” phenomenon, but you don’t have to feel “lost” anymore.

So next time you’re about to “go for it,” look for these three signs first:

1) She mirrors your actions.
Inside your brain are what’s called “mirror neurons.” These neurons help you realize and express empathy (it’s why you cringe when you see someone slam their hand in a door or physically feel pain when you see a friend get kicked in the groin).

These neurons also fire when a woman is flirting with you.

To see if she’s really interested, try switching up your body language and see if she does the same.

Tilt your head to the right…

If she tilts with you, there’s a good chance she’s into you!

A woman who mirrors your body language is connecting with you on a subconscious level, and this is a huge sign that she wants to connect with you on a physical level as well.

2) Her feet are pointed toward yours.
Next time you’re standing somewhere and see a woman you like across the room, take a second and glance down at your feet.

You might notice that they’re pointed toward that woman — that’s not an accident.

Think about how you use your feet. Generally speaking, without thinking, your feet are pointed in the direction you’re walking or are about to go.

When a woman points her feet toward yours, it means she wants to walk toward you!

Even if you spy a woman from across the room stuck in a conversation, if her feet have been pointing toward you all night…

There’s a good chance she wants you to approach her.

3) She’s leaning in and staying focused on you.
Here are two dates to choose from:

Date A: You’re seated across from a woman at a restaurant. She’s looking down at the menu and is leaning back. Her eyes dart from table to table, and you can’t really get a read on her.

Date B: You’re seated across from a woman at a restaurant. She’s got her elbows on the table and is leaning across to talk to you. She barely stops talking to you to look down at the menu, and even then she’s leaning forward and isn’t looking away from the table.

Which woman do you want to be out with?

A woman who’s interested in you — AKA the woman on Date B — will naturally want to come closer to you. At a restaurant, this might mean leaning across the booth and maintaining eye contact.

Does She Like You? If She Does This With Her Body the Answer Is YES…

At a bar, this could mean “accidentally” grazing your arm with her arm or touching your leg with hers.

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Advanced Dating Techniques


Don’t tell her about the orgasm

When you are getting intimate with a woman, absolutely, positively NEVER tell her that the goal is for her to have an orgasm.

It may be the honest truth that you want to give her an orgasm, but to tell her that is only going to make things worse because it gives her “performance anxiety.”

And that will absolutely, positively destroy her peace of mind and get her in her head.

That would be bad.

Some men would argue that not telling her that you intend to give her an orgasm is not telling the truth.

That’s fine.

In this case, to tell her the truth is NOT helping her.

So if mentioning the orgasm is a no-no, then what DO you say?

Simply tell her that you want to learn what feels good for her.

Tell her that you simply want her to feel the pleasure, and tell her to do exactly what you instruct her to do. Eventually, as a result, she has an orgasm!

Is that being dishonest? Is that withholding the truth? Is that manipulation?

I don’t think so.

I think that it is “facilitating” her. It has empowered her.

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Bring Out Her Inner Slut


3 Clues She’s Into Older Guys

Do you know the biggest mistake guys make when going after much younger women?

It’s that they can’t spot the difference between the ones who’ll blow you off…

And the ones who won’t.

Because here’s the thing:

No matter what you do, there are some girls who just WON’T like a guy old enough to be their grandfather…

But, there are plenty who WILL.

In fact for some young women, it’s their ultimate fantasy.

So knowing how to spot these Lolitas-in-waiting is the key to all the hot sex you can handle.

To make sure actually you get some, here are 3 clues she’s open to an older man.

#1 She looks rebellious

The more she looks like she’s trying to rebel against society, the higher your chances of banging her.


Because what could be more rebellious and taboo than doing a guy 3 times her age??

Tattoos, unusual piercings, an emo/goth look are all great indicators for this…

Basically anything that cries out for attention she’s not mainstream is a golden sign.

#2 Complains about younger guys

Girls who are into older men LOVE to bitch about guys their own age.

It’s no secret that women mature faster than men.

And many attractive women get fed up with their bullshit before too long.

So when you hear her use the word ‘immature’ about men, she’s showing her cards.

What she yearns for is a more experienced and worldly gentleman who can actually teach her something.

So anytime you notice her talking smack about younger dudes – especially if she’s broken up
with one recently – get set for the ride of your life.

#3 Daddy issues

If she never got the love and approval of her father, you can bet your ass she’ll try to capture the same feeling another way.

It’s no coincidence many of these girls become strippers, or adopt a highly sexualized look,
to get attention and validation from men.

This is where you have a HUGE advantage over younger dudes…

Because do you really think she can fill that hole in her life (and somewhere else!) by sleeping with a guy her own age?

Of course not.

She needs an older man to give her the acceptance and love she craves…

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So, did you come?

Did you tell her before starting the sex session that the object was to make her have an orgasm?

I hope not, because that would make sex ‘goal oriented.’

Telling a woman that the goal is for her to have an orgasm puts pressure on her to perform. The pressure she feels to perform will actually reduce the possibility that she will orgasm.

So, how do you give her an orgasm, especially when it is not the goal?

You have to understand women and you have to understand sexuality:

Most women are unable to “let go.” They cannot surrender themselves to the pleasure that their bodies are giving them. This may be for one of many reasons:

It could be that she feels inhibited because of social pressures against being sexual…

…Or that she does not have a sense of deservedness enough to be able to believe that she deserves the pleasure…

…Or that she feels embarrassed about losing control in front of you.

The only way to get through this is for you to learn how to lead her in the bedroom.

It is critical that you learn how to take 100% responsibility for what takes place in the bedroom, and focus on her pleasure, not yours.

It is also critical to not make her feel any pressure to perform.


When Men Can’t Last Long Enough

There are two major stages in a man’s life when it’s increasingly difficult to last long enough to satisfy your woman.

The first is when you are younger and less experienced. The combination of the newness of the sensations, the extreme arousal levels generated by those young-guy hormone levels, and the sheer anxiety from sexual inexperience are a powerful cocktail for pre-mature ejaculation.

The second stage, less often talked about, is when a man’s testosterone levels begin to drop– usually around 40, but sometimes earlier or later. It starts to take a bit longer to get fully hard, and so we end up trying to get ourselves hyper-aroused earlier in the game, and then it’s hard to back that heightened arousal level down once you’ve achieved an erection– and you end up suddenly finishing earlier then expected… which then leads to anxiety the next time around, the cycle perpetuates.

But the bottom line is that it can (and usually does) strike at random periods throughout life, and understanding how to control your sexual stamina really eases all of that anxiety and lets you enjoy love making a whole lot more!

Because in general I speak out quite a bit against the porn industry. I’m not in favor of censorship, but I do think that most men aren’t aware of the very real dangers of porn, like:

1) It can be seriously addictive to some men, and can keep you from getting shit done in the real world.

2) It can cause social anxiety and social isolation in some men.

3) It can cause serious sexual dysfunction in some men (particularly those that start yount).

4) It’s quite exploitive of young girls who really aren’t well equipped to understand the long term consequences of the short term decisions they are pressured into making by extremely predatory and experienced businessmen/pimps.

5) It messes up a lot of couples for reasons 1-3 above as well as creating unrealistic expectations about what women like, and how big a man’s penis ought to be.

6) It teaches men to be bad in bed. What they’re doing on screen is not generally what works for women– and since young women are exposed to it too, even they think that’s the stuff they are supposed to enjoy and can’t figure out why they don’t.

7) It makes men insecure when they compare themselves to porn stars…

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Why Women REALLY Reject You… (Even if She Seemed to Like You)

See, a lot of guys think the “chemistry” or “connection” you have with a girl ‘in person’ will win her over…

But that is a critical MISTAKE.

Read this carefully:

“The game” is no longer won or lost in person, its played almost entirely online and over text.

Read it again. And again.

If you don’t ‘get this’ you’ll lose EVERY SINGLE woman you talk to. No matter how much she seemed to like you.

A lot of guys, especially older guys who hate technology, say I’d rather just meet a woman in the real world.

But here’s the thing…

You might get her phone number in the real world, but that’s NOT where the relationship takes place, right?

Pretty much all your conversations with her will be through text, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or whatever other messaging app she uses.

You can’t avoid it unless you plan on dating 80 year olds.

Every time she logs in if you’re not there some other guy is, and you can bet your ass he’s trying to get in her pants.

And if she pulls out her phone and keeps seeing lame boring texts from you or you’re the “friendless” guy ’liking’ all her posts like some super annoying fan…

She’s gonna quickly lose interest…

And pretty soon no matter much she liked you in the “real world”, you’ll start hearing excuses like how ‘I like you but just don’t have time for anything serious ’

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