
Can You Be A Player Past 30?

There are two things that happen when a guy thinks he’s too “old” to attract younger chicks:

1. He quits going after them altogether.

2. He becomes a sugar daddy.

Now quitters NEVER win, so #1 is a no-no. But #2 is even WORSE!

Do you seriously think it’s “manly” to pay a girl’s bills just to get some nookie? Hell NO.

She will NOT respect you and she’ll suck every penny out of your bank account! So throw that option out the window too.

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Why Younger Women Desperately Crave You

I’m not gonna sugarcoat it…

Younger chicks with daddy issues all over the country are DESPERATELY seeking older men like a bad addiction.


There are probably multiple reasons…

Maybe it’s because divorce rates are at an all time high, and so is the rate of children being born in a single parent household.

Thus more and more younger women are growing up in broken homes, and are desperately seeking attention, validation, and pleasure from older men.

This is the first time something like this has happened in the lifetime of western civilization…and I see it everywhere…

Young women dating men 10, 15, and even 20 years older than them, because they desperately need an established older man in their lives.

But these young women aren’t just looking for any older man…

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There are certain qualities that have been lacking in their lives, and they need those qualities to feel wanted, appreciated, and complete.

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#1 Mistake When You First Meet a Girl

Man, first impressions are a BITCH.

When you first meet a woman, she’s going to judge you within 3-5 seconds…

And if that first impression isn’t a good one, you’re done, man.

She’s already decided you’re not attractive and she’s barely paying attention to you.

Here’s one of the biggest mistakes that creates an AWFUL first impression:

Poor eye contact.

Even if you’re nervous as hell, you can still pull off a killer first impression if you just remember – do not break eye contact!

But if you screw this up, she can tell right away that you’re not confident or cool and she’ll write you off immediately.

Here are some examples…

>> Breaking eye contact and looking DOWN – this is body language for “I’m a super submissive wuss and I’m intimidated right now”

>> Looking around the room instead of focusing on her – another sign that you’re not fully present (probably because you’re nervous around her).

>> Looking at her body – yep, she can tell. If she’s hot, she’s used to guys looking at her tits and ass all the time – and if you do it too, she’ll assume you’re just another thirsty desperate loser.

Here’s the best way to fix this:

Choose ONE of her eyes, and just look directly into that one eye while you’re talking to her.

She can’t tell you’re doing it – she’ll just feel like you’re making powerful, dominant eye contact.

And it will be easier for you, since you just have one thing to focus on.

Bonus tip – while looking her in the eyes, think really warm, accepting, CONFIDENT thoughts to yourself.

Thoughts like…

“Wow, you are so beautiful.”

“I completely accept you.”

“I wonder what kind of amazing adventures we’re about to have together.”

“You are going to LOVE it when I do naughty things to you later…”

Why am I telling you this?

Because… whatever you’re thinking and feeling is going to be expressed through your eyes.

And she’s going to feel it, instantly. Without words.

Try it out and you’ll see for yourself – the eyes are the most direct, HONEST way to tell how another person is feeling.

Or, as women love to say… “the eyes are the window to the soul.”

So if you’re thinking negative, anxious thoughts – she can tell by looking at your eyes. And she won’t be attracted to you.

But if you’re thinking amazing, attractive, confident thoughts – she’ll feel that too… and be drawn to you like a magnet.

That’s what a “vibe” really is – that magnetic feeling shared between you and her, in the moment.

And you can control the vibe with your eyes, anytime you want.

Pretty cool, right?

Very simple – and very powerful.

Click here to learn more

A woman can fall in love with a man in as little as 4 minutes

Have you ever heard this before?

Women decide if they’ll be with you within the first few minutes of meeting you.

You probably have, as it’s an idea that gets tossed around all the time.

But here’s something that isn’t nearly as well known.

A woman can fall in love with a man in as little as 4 minutes

Create this love in any woman.

I know that sounds far fetched, because it normally takes time for someone to fall in

However, science has proven it is indeed possible to create love in only 4 minutes.
The New York Times has validated this scientific breakthrough.

Now, the good news for guys like you and me is you don’t need to be born with any
natural advantages.

You don’t need to be tall, muscular, good-looking, rich, or funny for this to work.

Making women fall in love is simple

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If you can get her to open up and be vulnerable with you, she’ll fall for you.

And the more vulnerable she allows herself to feel with you, the deeper in love she’ll fall.

Success with women really comes down to learning a new way to think about women, then combining it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

If you’re ready for SUPER success with women, then I highly recommend that you go download online ebook “Attract Hotter Women.“

It’s JAM PACKED with ideas that you can learn and use starting TONIGHT. You can go download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes.

Download it here:

‘Attract Hotter Women’

…to get it.

P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:
‘No More Shit Tests’


Why Hot Girls Like Ugly Guys

So check it out…

Uncle Tom is 58 years old, hasn’t gone shopping for clothes since the mid 1980s, and shaped like a pear

And he gets laid like a S*x God.

For the longest time, my friends and I couldn’t figure out why.

It’s NOT like he has any money. The last job he had was working the night shift at 7/11

It’s not like he’s good-looking. (He looks like the “Before” picture in a fitness ad…)

And it’s not like he’s packing a salami in his pants.

In fact, Uncle Tom’s is more like a cocktail weiner.

(How would I know that? Let’s just say one time I dropped by his apartment unannounced, and caught him in the middle of a game of “Naked Twister” with a couple of 23-year-olds…)

And yet, he’s has always got smoking hot women coming and going from his place.

Every time I go out with him in public, he’s collecting phone numbers from girls.

Nowadays, my Uncle Tom – who my family always thought was a complete wacko – is a bonafide s*xual legend.

One day I asked him for the secret of his success. “I have three rules,” he said.

1) Never put p**sy on a pedestal

2) Never spend money on dates

3) And you can have ANY girl as long as you know how to “control her mind.”

Control her mind?!

Learn a new way to think about women, and combine it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

Yup — and believe me, if Uncle Tom can do it, YOU can do it. Learn the secret of Female Mind Control here (insanely powerful stuff and EASY to learn)

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The size that matters …


The reason for so many divorces today

A lady friend of mine just sent me this:


Men and women do not honor their differences today.

That is the reason why are so many divorces and relationships between men and women today are so bad.

That is also why sex isn’t working in many bedrooms.

My husband and I have a friend who is marrying a controlling woman.

We have a hard time understanding this, but she is attractive to him because he is such a weak guy.

Now he can’t have friends anymore. He is home with her like in prison. He lost his freedom entirely.

I will tell him about your material when I see him.

Controlling women are searching for that nice guy they can play games with them, having a good life with a nice guy but for sex and fun will be somebody else.”


Unfortunately, your friend is weak. He has fallen into the Nice Guy provider role.

He will get no respect. And no sex.

What’s worse, this controlling wife of his will end up having hot sex with a Bad Boy and will eventually leave him.

He will be devastated and wonder why she would leave him after he did everything she wanted.


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Unfortunately most guys today have full-blown Nice Guy Syndrome.

It is paralyzing and stops a man from truly being who he is meant to be.

It must be cured.

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Be The Fucking Man

How not to “choke” at the critical moment…

I’m going to describe a situation…

And it’s OK to admit that you’ve been there…

Hell I’ve been there…

…We’ve ALL been there.

You see a girl who literally makes your heart jump out of your chest…

There’s just something about her-her beauty, her style, her whole vibe… and you immediately imagine how awesome it would feel to be with her.

And you pretty much forget everything you know about game and maintaining state.

– This one is just too damned perfect.

If only could walk over and confidently start a conversation, create attraction and know that she will be eager to text you and meet up soon.

Simple, right?


99% of guys choke in this moment.

Why? Overthinking it.

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It’s well-known that athletes “choking” in a big game is the result of overthinking… which takes you out of the moment and creates anxiety.

And it’s the same for guys who want to go talk to women.

But what causes all this overthinking and hesitation on your part?



what to say in EVERY situation!

If you have trouble thinking of things to say to women…

If your conversations sputter and die like an old car by the side of the road…

If you can make the first move but can’t pivot the conversation and escalate sexually…

Click here to learn more…

Are you asking me to make out with you…

So chicks are positively responding to your new way of being.

You are out there, being this new you… and all of the sudden “weird” things are starting to happen.

The thing is… you are used to failing, so you often don’t recognize whether it’s actual interest or not.

Sometimes she is vague and you really can’t tell if she is hitting on you or not.

You don’t know what to do (or who to be) …so you often end up letting the moment pass …and hand back all the power to her immediately.

Here’s a very quick way to find out:

Just ask her a question such as:

‘Are you asking me out?’

‘Are you hitting on me?’

‘Are you asking me to make out with you in the bathroom?’

‘Are you asking me to come home with you?’

It requires a simple yes or no answer …and …at least you’ll know where things stand right away.

What if she says, ‘No’?

Just say, ‘Okay, cool. Come find me when you are.’

Then, move on.

Actually, you can use these questions in response to anything she will say to you, even if it’s obvious that she’s not hitting on you.

Remember, it’s about having fun. 🙂

Want more rock-solid dating advice?

If you are not getting the results you want right now, you have TWO choices:

1. Keep doing what you are doing and wasting your life.


2. Try something new.

Just don’t expect things to somehow “magically” change for you all of a sudden because you want results.

Ok, so you might be reading this right now, and you’re probably wondering…

“What’s The Best Way For Me to REALLY Learn This Stuff?”

Hey, I’m glad you asked.

Success with women really comes down to learning a new way to think about women, then combining it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

If you’re ready for SUPER success with women, then I highly recommend that you go download my online ebook “Attract Hotter Women.“

It’s JAM PACKED with ideas that you can learn and use starting TONIGHT. You can go download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes.

Download it here:


…to get it.

This material isn’t taught anywhere else.

It’s the best investment you can make in your dating life, period… end of story.

Bottom line: Go get your copy.

And I’ll talk to you again in a couple of days.


P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:


In the next 8 hours, you could meet a new woman …

In the next 8 hours, you could meet a new woman …

Yes, you read that correctly.

And no, I’m not kitten you right meow.

Imagine this…

It’s Saturday afternoon, and three girls are sitting at brunch, drinking mimosas and talking about last night.

They’re slightly tipsy and doing what most women do at brunch these days… bitching about men on Tinder.


A girl’s cell phone vibrates, and they all look at her, waiting to see her reaction.

“Ugh, I can’t believe all these guys say the exact same thing…” she says, and she puts her phone back down in disappointment.

[Lesson – if your first message on Tinder sounds like every other guy, you’re already dead in the water. Avoid boring messages like “hi,” and avoid cheesy lines that look like you cut/pasted from a meme website]


Another girl’s phone goes off, and she looks at the message.

“Ah… he’s such a nice guy, but… come on. Why doesn’t he get it yet? I’m not gonna sleep with him but he WON’T stop texting me…”

Her friends all smile in understanding. They’ve all been there…

[Lesson – don’t send a barrage of messages to a girl you like. Be brief, playful, and push for the meetup where you can escalate physically. If it hasn’t happened yet… your odds are getting lower by the minute.]


The third girl’s phone goes off. She picks it up, and a sly smile crosses her lips…

The girls all start giggling like crazy.

“Who is that?”

“Let me see!”

“That is so hot…”

“What should we text him back?”

Together, they come up with a flirty response to this guy – our hero – and send it back.


He sends another message and the girls squeal in delight.

“He wants to hang out tonight,” she says. “What should I say?”

And her friends basically force her to say yes.

“Omg, say yes, he’s so funny…”

“You should definitely meet him for drinks…”

“If you don’t meet up with this guy, I will…”

You, my man, are the hero in this story.

You have now positioned yourself at the top of her “Tinder totem pole” – you’re the top priority on her mind, and every other guy is beneath you.

But the sad part is, a majority of men never make it there, and they lose a ton of interested girls because they fall into the “average guy” category and get ignored.

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I cannot possibly make it easier for you to succeed

Once you know how to spark emotions and get numbers …

You can cut through the clutter in her phone and be the hero who gets her (and all her girlfriends) drooling over what you say next.

All that’s left to do is capitalize and get her out on a date ASAP.

Click to learn more…


Say THIS to Spark her Sexual Interest

So you’re talking to a girl and it’s going well… you have things in common… you’re connecting…

Great. But how do you take things in a sexual direction?

Because you know that if you don’t… if you talk forever and never get sexual… then you’re just gonna be a friend to her.

And if that’s what you want, fine… but if you want to be “more than friends,” then you need to say something in conversation to spark her emotion and turn her on.

You can’t play it safe here, you gotta go “balls to the wall.”

Here’s the #1 conversation technique to spark her sexual interest:

Breaking rapport.

You have “rapport” when everything is going well… you’re getting along… she’s smiling and enjoying herself…

And if you keep going down that road, “rapport” is all you’re gonna have.

Instead, you wanna say something to “break” rapport… to push her away and get her fired up.

The key is to do it playfully, never seriously.

For example:

“You know what, you’re gonna get me in trouble… I can’t be seen talking to you anymore.”

“Look, I’m an asshole, you don’t wanna talk to me. Why don’t you go over there and talk to that super sweet nice guy, he looks perfect for you.”

“You are such a brat… isn’t it past your bedtime? Do I need to call your parents?”

Push her away with playful little statements like that.

Never let her settle in and get comfortable – that’s the kiss of death if you want to sleep with her.

Keep her on her toes, keep her guessing, keep her working for your approval.

Now, you might be thinking… “I’m not ballsy enough or clever enough to pull this off.”

Not true! Just tease her like you used to when you were 6 years old at recess… it’s so easy a child could do it.


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