
Are you sabotaging yourself? (1 question quiz inside)

If you are taking 5 steps forward and then

take 3 steps back…

Then I would say that you are.

How do you stop this?

>> Click Here To Learn How

An unconscious sabotage pattern is actually

very easy to stop.

It’s all about aligning yourself to link only pleasure

to getting a GF and pain to not getting one.

Very simple…

You’ll learn exact step by step instructions

>> By Clicking Here

So you make EFFORTLESS progress toward your

goal of getting a girlfriend of your choice…FAST.

Here’s why every woman rejects you.

Are you sick and tired of being rejected by women in bars and clubs?

Don’t worry.

Today I’m going to show you how to get around this.

You see, the reason why you are being rejected is because…

You are trying to pick up women …

…and most women know all about pick up artists now.

(Which is why they typically insta reject ANY guy that hits on them.)

Bottom line, “pick up” is an endless cycle of pain and rejection.

And even if you are successful, the cycle doesn’t end.

It’s like a dog chasing a car…

…or a hamster on a wheel.

>>> This is the solution. <<<

This makes everything easier.


Because at the end of the day it’s all about your intentions.

And when you approach a women with the intention of dating her, everything


She can sense it…

And is more likely to give you a shot.

Believe me, this approach works like magic.


Then go here now to start reading


Why pickup tricks don’t work anymore.

Listen closely:

Pick up (As we know it) is rapidly dying.

For example:

There was recently a seminar, where a guy got up on stage and told about his

“Worst night ever”…

3 separate groups of women had each accused him of being a, “Sleaze bag pick

up artist.”

(Poor guy, he was choking back tears.)

But I wasn’t at all surprised.

In 2018 there are very few women who don’t know about this stuff.

And this is bad news for most guys.

(Especially guys who are just starting out.)

Because it doesn’t matter how smooth your “game” is…

…or how much you work on yourself.

Because when you approach women they immediately accuse you of being


…and immediately resent and reject you.

It’s only going to get worse.

But there is a simple solution.

This might be a major paradigm shift for some guys.

But it’s a shift you HAVE to make.

And in this short report you’ll learn about the death of pick up and why game

doesn’t work anymore.

Don’t waste your time trying to pick girls up anymore…

This is so much better.

BTW, this is what the most successful, “Naturals” do.

And why they are ALWAYS getting laid.

Go here now to learn how

‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook


P.S. I’ll let you in on another secret…

It’s EASY to date multiple girls at once doing this too.

And with what you’re about to learn you could date a new girl every month or a

dozen at once, if you want of course. 🙂

How to take home perfect 10’s

What’s the secret to meeting hot women?

It’s simple.

You have to DATE them first.

You see, these types of girls seldom have one night stands.

They know their worth, have too much self-respect and want the emotional

fulfillment of having a BOYFRIEND.

(Having a boyfriend also ties into their self-image as a, “Hot desirable girl”.)

Here is how to take advantage of this.

Use this strategy and quit wasting your time.


One more thing before I go:

Some guys think you need money to have a girlfriend.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

And in Your Perfect Girlfriend you’re going to learn what it really takes to get a

hot girlfriend of your choice.

Make sense?

Then go here now:

‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook

…And get Your Perfect Girlfriend while it’s still on sale.

This can drive you mad

There is an awkward (and often lengthy) period when you’re trying to figure how to

get a girl respond to you.

It can be MADDENING.

No matter who you are, it’s that stage when, although there’s infinite opportunity

about how to approach a girl, there’s no such thing as a slam dunk.

It’s exciting yet terrifying at the same time, isn’t it?

While there is the proverbial pot-of-gold at the end of the rainbow, no guy wants

to feel like they have to scale the mount olympus to get to it, right?

That’s why a good friend of mine has radically shifted his game into doing this.


You no longer have to become an expert-level before you can take a girl home.

So if you’re starting to feel like the cards are stacked against you, I have a better


One of the side benefits of his new approach is… the rejection normally

associated with the process of getting physical DISAPPEARS.



Because you are in control, not her.

When you do it the way he has perfected, you can turn the whole thing into an

auction-like game…

Where YOU my friend, are the prize.

That means no more “demonstrated high value” gimmicks.

(By default, she already values you enormously.)

Check out this strategy and then let me know what you think, ok?

Click here to get ‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook

4 step formula for success

Whats the ultimate success formula?

1. Know your outcome. (get a girlfriend of your choice)

2. Take action

3. See what results you’re getting from your actions.

4. If not getting desired results… change your approach until

you get the result you want.

Very simple right?

These are the steps I took in order to get the most effective and powerful way to

attract the girlfriend of your choice… and you can flat-out have it by going here…

Click Here To Save Yourself Years Of Trial And Error

There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Just model what works:

Click here to get ‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook

The new way to meet hot women.

You guys already *know* how to get the girl.



Thing is …

Just because you know HOW to do something, it doesn’t necessarily mean you CAN.

Are you following me?

You see, there are a number of obstacles…

None of them are your fault, that inhibit your ability to seal the deal.

There are so many “speedbumps” to hooking up these days, that I’ve decided

to redirect efforts to getting the deed done… in an unusual way.

The results have blown away all expectations.

Plus it’s given guys everywhere one critically important thing:

New hope!

New hope not just to hookup once in a while, but to take things to a whole ‘nother


Here’s where to join us:

Click here to get ‘Your Perfect Girlfriend’ ebook