
Words No Woman Can Resist

Have you ever made the mistake of trying to impress a woman with material things?

For instance, you may have bought a really expensive shirt for a date. Or you went as far as buying a luxury car you couldn’t afford simply to catch a woman’s attention.

Well instead of making those expensive mistakes that do NOT truly impress women, you should do this:

Speak your mind.

Speaking your mind works at wooing women because:

It’s genuine
It comes off naturally
It will make her feel good

When you speak your mind, you release any built-up fear that’s created with trying to say all the right things to impress her.

This in itself is liberating. And she’ll see it as confidence, which is a trait that makes all women WET.

As for examples of the style in which you can speak your mind:

“I love how your skin tastes.”
“Come closer so I can squeeze you.”
“Walk in front of me so I can watch your hips move.”

Those may seem a tad corny. But they have 3 characteristics that work at turning women on:

They’re unique
They’re daring and a bit brash
They involve sexual innuendo

Don’t try coming up with lines of your own after you close this message. Do so in the moment when you’re with her and get the urge to say something genuine.

Click here to learn more

Ways of Escalating like A Master

The Five Areas of ESCALATION.

Previously I had thought there were only THREE general areas you needed to escalate in.

They were:

1. Verbally.

You have to escalate the conversation to something SEXUAL. The quicker you can do this, the better your game works.

Unfortunately this is the hardest area to teach, as you can MAJORLY creep girls out with bad verbal sexual escalation.

The use of “releases” after sexually advancing statements helps a lot, but it’s still going to be learning by trial and error.

2. Physically.

This one should be the most obvious, but also takes some practice.

It seems like the more educated a guy is the more problems he tends to have with touching.

The key with touching is to come off as a “touchy” person.

If you start touching early on (think on the opener) then group or girl will have to accept that you’re just “touchy”.

This is much easier to accept than a guy not touching AT ALL and then starting to touch her more 15-20 minutes in.

3. Logistically.

Escalating logistically is one of the most overlooked and important ways we can escalate.

Whether you’re escalating logistically by setting up a date in the future, or by seeding a pull that evening. No matter what you need to try to move every girl to the next set of locations.

Ultimately ending up at somewhere SHE can comfortably have sex with you.

What I realized was that there are TWO MORE areas that are not talked about that you have to move forward on.

They are:

1. Compliance.

If you are not actively increasing the girl’s INVESTMENT in you, you are shooting yourself in the foot.

“Cognitive dissonance” is one of the most reliable phenomena in human psychology. The more a girl invests, be it time, effort, financial etc… the more likely she is to feel that she likes you.

In my case I talked the girl into letting me in the club, asked for drink tickets, then later asked her to hook me up with vip, got her to get me a pen so I could get another girl’s number and then I asked her for a ride home at the end of the night.

With that much compliance it wasn’t surprising she was posing naked on my balcony within 10 mins of coming in. Get girls to DO THINGS FOR YOU, even if they are trivial.

2. Frames.

There are different frames in Attraction, Comfort and Seduction.

While there is no static ” Attraction Phase” you will need to progressively move away from attraction frames.

Attraction frames are very playful.

They are usually “challenging” to the woman as well. (This one is HUGE is texting). Comfort frames are more cooperative and lead to an “Us” dynamic.

Seduction frames are all about roles and arousal.

You want to make sure that you are setting frames that are moving you forward as opposed to staying in frames that don’t give you CONTEXT for escalation.

Hope that helps everyone who has problems with escalation which can be a huge sticking point for most guys.

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Qualities your woman must possess

Everything you need to completely fulfill a woman is already within her, but a woman can only be as fulfilled as she believes she deserves to be.

Thus she must have a good sense of deservedness. And a good sense of deservedness comes with high self-esteem.

Additionally, the more intelligent a woman is, the more the mental aspects of female sexuality can be leveraged. Sexuality for women is entirely mental, so the more intelligent she is, the more powerfully it will apply.

Intelligence is to possess sound knowledge, the mental ability to learn, to conceptualize (make an internal model of a concept and be consciously aware of it), and to reason (compare and contrast, logic, analysis, and synthesis).

If you find a woman with good self-esteem, there is a good chance she is intelligent.

But the reverse is not necessarily true. There are many highly intelligent women who have very low self-esteem.

The more intelligent she is, the more you can leverage and benefit from the mental aspects of female sexuality. The more intelligent she is, the less your looks and the size of your tool will matter.

What will matter to her, and what she will respond to, are things such as who you are as a man, your intellect, and what you will learn as a Masterful-Lover.

If you find a woman who has high self-esteem and is intelligent, there is an extremely good chance that she is sexual.

But some women are more sexual than others. How sexual do you want to be?

“Sexual” means that sexuality flows through her veins, she is more interested in sexual concepts, she is more interested in sex, and she is more sexually responsive.

Sexual does not mean promiscuous. A sexual, intelligent woman with a high self-esteem can go for long periods without sex between relationships; she’ll just fantasize and masturbate while continuing to look for a good man. In fact, promiscuous is often an indication of low self-esteem.

Sexual is somewhat associated with high sex drive. Just because sexuality is an important thing to her, it does not mean she is always horny.

Additionally, there are plenty of horny women who are not “sexual” (they just want to fuck and get off).

Sexual is more of a cerebral thing, whereas high sex drive has a component that is determined by hormones.

A sexual woman will value sex, will derive greater fulfillment from it, will require that it is good, and will think about it often.

A horny unintelligent woman with low self-esteem will only value a man for his looks and his tool (and maybe his money, etc.) and will only be with him for validation.

A sexual woman will bring you a life of happiness and expansion.

A horny unintelligent woman will bring you nothing but chaos.

Would you like to be able to tell the difference?

Check out “Select Women Wisely.”

Select Women Wisely

The 8 most important things to know about women

I like to think about the overall frames of each phase of an interaction, because it gives some “basic goals” for the communication we’re trying to have with the girl.

So with that said, let’s look at the “5 Frames of Comfort.”

1. Cooperative.

Comfort is FIRST and foremost cooperative. Remember by this point, there is an obvious attraction between you and the girl. She’s also “worked” a little bit for your attention through the proper use of qualification.

By now it’s time for both of you guys to be working towards the overall goal of hooking up.

2. Emotional.

Comfort is all about sharing emotions and experiences. Now is the time to be really aware of what I like to call the emotional temperature of the situation.

Is the situation HOT and passionate? Is it sweet and loving? Is it FLAT?

You have to know what emotions the girl is having in comfort in order to gauge what emotions she needs to feel in order to move forward.

=>You’re probably missing more sexual signals from her than you think…

3. Sexual.

It’s important to demonstrate sexual interest in comfort.

In fact, I even like to alternate every “qualifying” compliment with a sexualized one. You need to show her you’re interested in her as a MAN is interested in a woman.

Not like a shopping buddy or someone who’s going to tag along as you go to a club.

4. Time Distorting.

In comfort we want to make a woman feel like she has known us forever.

The more we can do things like using multiple venues, “childhood regressions” etc… The more a woman will feel like she’s known us long enough to hook up with us.

5. Connection based.

Now when I say the words connection based, a lot of guys ASSUME I mean talking about some sort of intense emotional connection between the two of you based on “destiny.”

A connection simply means there is an overall relationship between a series of events. This means a connection is simply the theme that holds your comfort together.

The connection could be adventure based, sexual, emotional or any other number of things.

Now let’s examine the “3 Frames of Seduction.”

1. Teasing.

This is huge.

“Sexual push/pull” is one of the biggest secrets in the seduction universe. You want to AROUSE and DENY consistently until the girl is so turned on she actually does the escalation herself.

2. Sexual Rapport.

The frame of sexual rapport refers to treating the girl as a lover before she actually has become one. This is HUGE! You can assume sexual rapport at a verbal, physical and social level.

3. Controlled Passion.

The best way I’ve ever thought of seduction is as a controlled passion.

You need to convey that you are “struggling” to remain in control of yourself because of her. But you are still ALWAYS in control, which allows her to tempt you. Women LOVE playing the temptress.

Ok I hope that clears everything up for you guys.

P.S. Comfort and seduction can seem complicated, but a lot of it boils down to reading the situation and reading her.

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When you can get out of the friend-zone… And when you CAN’T. Part I.

Initially most guys get into pick-up to “get that one special girl”.

You know, the ONE…

The girl who will make your life “completely perfect” if only you could make her yours?

Sometimes she’s a friend, sometimes she’s a classmate, sometimes she’s just a girl you see at your gym…

The problem is, that once you get fixated on that one special girl, your chances of getting her PLUMMET.

That’s why the BEST response to something like this is the pithy and quotable

“To get the one special girl, you must learn to get all the girls.”

But in addition to that I want to make the case that having female friends is a very good thing. They can introduce you to friends of theirs, provide “social proof”, get you into clubs easier and more…

Chances are if you’re in the FRIEND ZONE, you’re not going to get out on your first foray into learning social dynamics.

=>There’s a specifically designed method to EASILY escaping the friend-zone. And guess what? It works.

My advice is to keep this girl as a friend and use her to help you meet new girls.

Click here to learn more

Go with the flow!

Think about all the technological changes you’ve seen over the years…

Remember cell phones that used to be as big as a brick?

Remember CD’s?


Now, cell phones are really light and super slim.

And they pack wayyy more power than their predecessors.

CD’s have given up their reign to music files than can be zapped across the Internet.

And the list goes on and on.

You could pick from your mind numerous examples of gadgets that have changed how you live life.

That’s the work of smart people.

People who found quicker and easier ways of doing things.

It makes no sense to go against the trend.

But it makes sense to go with the flow.

Swim with the current, instead of against it.

With that said, I found a way of getting results much faster than you could dream of…

And I have no qualms about sharing this with you:

Click to learn more…

Follow smart people who can get you to where you’re going faster.

It goes for every aspect of your life too.

The quicker you get in and exploit their knowledge before everyone else does, the faster you will see the results you desire.

Want some more good advice?

My suggestion: Use this and be prepared.

Here’s how you STOP trying to get girls to like you

How to Stop Qualifying YOURSELF to Women…
Today, we’re gonna be breaking down a fairly simple concept that almost EVERY guy messes up.

And I mean EVERY guy.

Yeah that includes me.

That’s right, today you’re getting the basics of “Not Qualifying” yourself.

One of the simplest rules of socializing is that the person who qualifies themselves more has LOWER value.

This is aptly summed up by the statement:

“A rich man does not tell you he is rich.”

Qualifying yourself to girls when you first meet them is a TERRIBLE idea because it shows her you are trying to impress her and think she is of higher value. Not a good place to game from.

Here’s a few ways to avoid qualifying yourself.

In the first 15 minutes of meeting people – Avoid bragging about possessions, places you’ve traveled, or people you’ve met.

Bad Example:

Girl: Why do you want to kiss me?

Guy: Because I’m attracted to you and want to express it physically in an intimate manner.

Good Example:

Girl: Why do you want to kiss me?

Guy: Who knows? (Go in for the kiss)

Keep the cool things about you to yourself until the group has “accepted you.”

It’s not bragging if the girls ask you about it. Use unanswered questions in your conversations to bait the girls into asking you questions about the cool stuff in your life.

Ok, that should help you guys to avoid qualifying yourself.

Click here to learn more

“You look nice. I’m not flirting with you.”

“You look nice. I’m not flirting with you.”
– Silver Linings Playbook

It’s crazy, so many of you guys have been messaging me about chicks being very direct with you, asking for your phone number, asking you out and even propositioning you right on the spot.

Pretty awesome to hear this.


You’re telling me that you’re caught off guard by it, or you get too excited, and you over-sell and end up ruining it.

So there’s new challenges you’re encountering each step of the way,

Which is why it’s important to have a mentor who’s been there who can show you the way,

So you skip all the pitfalls that are lying there waiting.

My advice for you is that you have to be expecting success…


You should be surprised if it doesn’t happen.

The internal dialogue in your head should be like this:

“Of course this is happening. This happens to me all the time. It’s no big deal.”

Then, be a guy who’s used to this situation.

Just relax and take it in stride.

She’s already sold,

So move to the next level.

When she asks for your number, simply give it to her and move on with your night.

Don’t say,

‘Okay, so call me’


‘You’re going to call me, right?’ etc.

Change the subject immediately if you’re going to continue talking to her.

When she asks you out say…

‘That’s a possibility, but I have to be honest with you. I’m super busy right now and the only type of relationship I’m capable of is a physical one… still interested?’

If she says, “Yes”, then proceed to make plans to meet at her’s or your place.

When she propositions you say,

‘Let’s go’.

What if you’re not interested?

Simple say,

‘I’m flattered, but I’m going to pass.’

Hope this helps.

Ok, so you might be reading this right now, and you’re probably wondering…

“What’s The Best Way For Me to REALLY Learn This Stuff?”

Hey, I’m glad you asked.

Success with women really comes down to learning a new way to think about women, then combining it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

If you’re ready for SUPER success with women, then I highly recommend that you go download online ebook “Attract Hotter Women.“

It’s JAM PACKED with ideas that you can learn and use starting TONIGHT. You can go download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes.

Download it here:


…to get it.

This material isn’t taught anywhere else.

It’s the best investment you can make in your dating life, period… end of story.

Bottom line: Go get your copy.

And I’ll talk to you again in a couple of days.


P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:
Click here to learn more…
No More Shit Tests

Had Sex This Month Yet?

Have you ever gone a month or longer without sex? If you fall in line with statistics, you have. In fact, I bet you’ve had even longer slumps. Maybe even YEARS.

Man, I feel for you. Those slumps are terrible.

Loneliness. Self-esteem drops. You seem to get hornier. You lock yourself in your room. Hours upon hours of internet porn. You feel disgusting afterwards. Wishing you had a real woman in front of you.

Then you feel helpless. Wondering when the next time will come. The next time you’ll get laid. When you’ll kiss a girl again. Put your tongue in her mouth. Feel the warmth of her insides. Hear her moan.

It seems like it’ll never happen. Full-on depression kicks in. You don’t even feel like a man. Why live like that? You know that you only live once. Right?

Are you going to make the most out of your life, or live like some hermit feeling sorry for himself? I don’t care about your crappy income, beer belly, living situation with mom, or your 1985 hatchback.

All of those are excuses. There are guys out there with LESS than you that are getting laid. Not by accident. By their own POWER. They’re out there creating their own luck.

So, what will it be? More slumps? Or going out, picking the woman you WANT to have sex with, and approaching her. Then taking her to the motel or your place, having her strip down to nothing, and mimic all those moves you USED to watch in the porn flicks.

Did I grab your attention? Good. Now learn the skill and say goodbye to that slump.

Click here to learn!

Saying whatever the hell you want to Women (Gasp!)

A Completely Bullsh*t Technique That Works Like a Charm…
Do you realise you don’t need to have the perfect thing to say right?

Hell, last time I went out I said whatever came into my head.

And most of the time – these were just “guesses” I was making about the women.

And it didn’t matter whether they were right or wrong.

This might seem stupid, but it’s actually an important technique you need to learn.

And it’s called COLD READING.

That’s what today’s show is all about…

To kick us off, here’s the boring Wikipedia definition of Cold Reading (don’t worry, we’ll get to the fun in a second):

“Cold reading is a series of techniques used by mentalists, illusionists, fortune tellers, psychics, and mediums to determine or express details about another person, often in order to convince them that the reader knows much more about a subject than they actually do.”

Cold reading is a great tool for demonstrating understanding of women and the specific woman you’re talking to. It also allows you to begin framing, qualify girls, and “generate intrigue.”

Cold reads can be divided into different categories; here’s a few of them:

1. Teasing cold reads – These cold reads can be used early on to tease a group.

“You are such trouble!”

“You Girls Are like the Mean Girls from High School”.

“I can tell you’re the one who gets drunk and makes out with guys”

2. Framing Cold reads – These cold reads are used to start “framing a woman” or the interaction in the way you want it to go.

“I can tell you build walls around yourself, but once you let someone in they’re in for life.”

“You’re a really independent girl, if there’s something you want to do, you go for it.”

3. Sexual Cold Reads – These are used to introduce sexuality under the “veil” of something else you noticed about her.

=>Framing & Sexual Cold Reads are both part of this 5 steps to getting her into plan I laid out here.

“I can tell you’re really mixed up, I bet you even have a fractured idea about sex, like sometimes you want to be treated really sweet and sensually and other times you want to get pounded from behind and called a slut.”

4. Pushbacks – These are cold reads that are intentionally unflattering in order to get the girl to push back in the direction we want her to go.

“I can tell you’re a girl who has to have sex missionary with the lights out. You’re way inhibited.”

“I bet you only have a few close friends, it’s ok lots of girls have intimacy issues.”

Alright that’s enough for you guys to get started with cold reading and see the awesome effects it has on women.

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