
What If A Woman Wants ‘To Be Just Friends’?

I think that every man can identify with the following sequence you hit on:

Meet girl.
Get along well with girl.
Feel attracted to girl and think she is attracted to you.
Tell girl that you like her (after getting up the nerve).
Girl disappears.
Call girl 47 times, but still no response.
Finally girl turns up and says, I only like you as a friend and sorry if I hurt you.
Ouch. I know it’s a bummer, but you might take comfort knowing that this has happened to me and just about every guy I know many times.

Let me take a shot at explaining what’s going on here and hopefully help you and the others reading this to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible in the future. From my perspective, there are a few main issues going on here all at once…

Women are complex and often illogical (so are men, but in different ways).
Women are attracted to men for reasons that most men either don’t know, don’t understand, or won’t accept.

The way that women communicate isn’t always as direct and straightforward as most of us guys would like.

It’s difficult to un-do one of these situations once it has reached this point.
There are things you can do to avoid this kind of thing in the future. Let’s deal with these one at a time as they relate to your situation…

Women walk into Starbucks and order a fat free cafe mocha and then get whipped cream on top. No kidding. I see it all the time.

Women will go through a full closet of clothing trying to choose something to wear to the supermarket, then conclude that there’s nothing to wear in here. Women spend $200 on shoes that are going to be worn a few times…

Again, men have their bizarre behaviors, and I’m not trying to badmouth women… but in my experience women are usually not very logical about things, and they’re especially illogical when it comes to relationships.

Men are perfectly logical… they want to be with every attractive woman they meet. Women aren’t logical. They only want to be with men who don’t want to be with them.

My point is that you have to put your ideas about how things should be out of your mind. Start a new way of thinking about things based on reality and not logic.

Women Feel ATTRACTION For Reasons That Most Men Just Don’t Get
As I like to say, ATTRACTION ISN’T A CHOICE. We don’t think about who we’d like to feel attraction for, it just happens on its own in most cases.

But the thing to remember is that attraction has a pattern. It’s like a combination lock or a puzzle. There is a way to create it if you know the recipe. On the other hand, if you don’t know the recipe, then you’re not likely to figure it out by trial and error. And the reason for this — again — is because it’s not logical.

While men are attracted mostly to looks, women are attracted mostly to personality traits.

In your situation, you displayed the personality trait that I refer to as wussy a little too early in the game. Women generally aren’t attracted to men who get too lovey-dovey and emotional too quickly. There’s no mystery or challenge when you fall in love immediately.

And when you call 31 times a day, it only makes the problem worse. What you need to do in these situations is lean back more and give her some space. Give her room to think about you and miss you.

Women Don’t Communicate In Direct, Straightforward Ways
If a woman wants to tell you that she isn’t interested in you in a romantic way, she’ll often not tell you as her way of telling you. In other words, she might just disappear for awhile. Or she might not return calls quickly. Or she might talk about other guys with you…

Once again, you have to put the concept of pure, rational logic out of your mind when it comes to the world of attraction.

Women are subtle. They read into things and try to tell you things indirectly. Women don’t generally take what you say at face value. They want to know what everything really means.

If you meet a girl and after the first date you say I really like you, you’re beautiful and I have feelings for you they think you said I’m a Wuss because I fall in love too quickly.

On the other hand, if you say Good night, give me a call sometime she’ll think you said You were kind of boring, and if you want to talk to me again you’re going to have to call me.

You Can’t “Undo” A Bad Situation… So DON’T EVEN TRY
Unfortunately, once a woman has made up her mind about a guy, it’s almost impossible to change her mind.

If you’re in a situation like this where a woman has said I only like you as a friend, then you’re best off going out and meeting some other women and getting on with your life immediately. Don’t wait. Get on with it.

If you disappear from HER life, then turn up a month or two later… and you’re dating a few other attractive women… she might see you in a new light. Jealousy is a very powerful motivator to women and this is often what it takes to get a woman to see you in a new light once you’ve let out your inner-wussy too early in the game.

Point: Don’t try to un-do it. Just get on with your life and quit obsessing over her.

You Can EASILY Avoid These Situations In The Future!

The most important step you can take is to learn how ATTRACTION works. You need to learn this game so you know what’s happening in future situations… and, most importantly, you know what to do to make women feel attracted to you from the beginning (and, of course, how to not let your inner wuss rear its ugly head too often).

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When A Woman Blows You Off And “Flakes”!

Whose Problem Is It When A Woman Blows You Off And “Flakes”?
Well, that all depends on your perspective. When a woman flakes out on me, I see it as a huge mistake that SHE made. So, if/when I see her again, I shake my head in disappointment and say, “Well, you sure missed out on a good time.”

And then, regardless of what she says (unless her mom died or she lost a leg in a car accident), I just give her the “You’re a flaky woman with no integrity” disappointed look and walk away.

Again I ask you: whose problem is it? Do you really want to go out with a woman who is flaky? I say… don’t let it bother you and move on.

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3 Major Problems Men Have TALKING To Girls

It’s funny that guys spend SO MUCH time agonising over how to solve these different problems in their game that they don’t actually focus on one of the most important ones:


Because let’s face it – you’re gonna be spending most of your time picking up women … TALKING to them!

Hours, and hours of taking.

(It’ll be fun don’t worry…)

So if you’re struggling with girls, odds are that your problem lies in BASIC conversation skills .

There are 3 major problems that every guy seems to have when it comes to speaking to women.

We’re going to address these today. And I’ll throw in some simple tips.

1) They can’t seem to start a conversation at all

The biggest one guys struggle with.

They can’t figure out what to say. They can’t figure out how to break that distance between them and the girl. They don’t know what the right “opener” is.

The good news is that what you say to start the conversation doesn’t matter that much.

This stems from trying to find the “perfect line”, which kinda comes from watching too many bad movies.

The reality is that there is no perfect line, and even if there was, it wouldn’t work 90% of the time.

So forget about that and just say something.

2) They run out of things to say

Guys think they’re doing well in a conversation but then they go blank. They can’t think of anything and they panic.

I used to call this “hitting the wall.”

You have to able to keep the conversation going in order to move it forward.

Here’s a tip: read a lot of books, have a lot going on in your life. It’ll make this a lot easier.

3) They “weird the girl out”

Guys hate to admit this, but it’s actually pretty common.

They’re too needy, too anxious, taking things too seriously, and it makes her feel uncomfortable.

You need to chill out, and pay attention to her level of comfort.

One thing that is going to help you here is not pursuing women too hard. Ultimately she makes the final choice, and she’ll make it the more she INVESTS IN YOU.

You aren’t going to get her to do that if you do all the chasing.

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Masterful-Lover man-whores (by David Shade)

I should do an article full of all the quotes from women who have written in asking where they can meet a Masterful-Lover.

There is so much longing and hope in women when they see that there are real Masterful-Lovers out there.

If you knew how much, you would have every single one of my products and study them religiously.

And you would KNOW that as a trained Masterful-Lover, you are one of the most valuable commodities out there.

Let me share with you the latest desperate plea that a woman sent me and then I’ll address a couple of her points.

This is from Ananya:


“You are so on target about what women want in a man.

Please don’t write-off women with low self-esteem. Girls are not born with low self-esteem.

They are created by media hyper beauty standards, disappointment, rejection & betrayal from un-masterful lovers and inexperience due to societal double-standards.

Your program is for ANY MAN. Why can’t any woman have a Masterful-Lover? Don’t we all deserve it?

Also, would you consider a Masterful-Lover dating site? We want to shop for a few good men as well.

Thank you for all you’ve done to help make the pursuit of happiness a bit easier & certainly more fun!”


Comments for Ananya:

Yes, you are undoubtedly correct about the media contorting women’s body image issues and messing with women’s self-esteem.

Although it’s equally valid that society and media brainwashing teaches men to be Nice Guys and lose the respect of their wives and girlfriends.

So what do we as men do?

We fix it! We get the correct knowledge and beliefs (That’s where yours truly comes in), and then we take action on it.

We create ourselves anew.

My work has always been predicated on getting the man’s act together – It’s up to us to lead, and make things happen.

And for the woman to feel the amazing feelings she wants to feel, she must FOLLOW that lead.

A woman like Ananya simply needs a guy like YOU.

…So what can we do for women like her who get it, and love our work, but can’t find a masterful-lover of their own?

Maybe we could have a Masterful-Lover registry. Like a website with pictures and profiles and the women could apply to be paired with ones they like…

…Kind of like an escort service.

Every guy on the registry would be certified!

…Which would make you guys man-whores!

Get to work on yourself! Become the man you could be.

Be The Fucking Man!
Bring Out Her Inner Slut!

The Strange Text That Makes A Man Shake With Obsession!

For example… things like curiosity, cliffhangers, and incomplete information are tools that make a man crave to know more…

These are the same triggers Hollywood screenwriters use to draw an audience into their movies and force them to pay attention for hours at a time.

These psychological triggers, which I call ATTENTION HOOKS are extremely powerful… Because they tap directly into the focus system of a man’s brain…

And force him to wonder about you… to think about you… and to pay attention to you… whether you’re right in front of him… or you’re miles away.

You Can Use These Hooks to Capture A Man’s Attention

And force him to pay his full attention to you… Which in turn creates desperate feelings of love, infatuation, and obsession for you.

All of a sudden, he won’t be able to control his sudden urge to fantasize about you all day long. And he’ll find his own reasons to see you, hold you, and kiss you like you’ve never been kissed before.

This creates a “positive feedback loop” that causes his mind to constantly wonder about what you think of him, when you’ll respond to him, and when he’ll get to see you next….

This, ladies, is what you call genuine “OBSESSION!”
And as soon as you understand these three simple facts and use simple text message system, don’t be surprised if handsome men begin calling you, texting you, and asking you out on more dates…

Don’t be shocked if your ex comes crawling over fiery coals just to have another chance with you…

And don’t be amazed when the man you’re currently with — despite his coldness, indifference, and stubborn unwillingness to commit — calls you out of the blue, tells you how much he loves you, and showers you with the kind of affection that you might’ve thought was just Hollywood fiction.

What makes women sexual

A woman’s sexuality has been a mystery to many a befuddled and sexually frustrated husband.

They think their wives are insane. Or at the very least, impossible to understand.

Neither is true. Usually.

Females have the biological imperative to reproduce.

Natural selection has weeded out the ones who are not driven to have sex. Women have the chemistry to be sexual, in fact, horny.

The female orgasm serves two purposes:

First, since it feels so good, she will want to do it often. Secondly, it serves to create muscle contractions that pull the sperm into the uterus.

Men also have the biological imperative to reproduce. We are all very familiar with that. Men are also subconsciously driven to please women because it gives our sperm a better chance of making it to the egg.

So, it is completely understandable that we want our woman to have an orgasm.

From a DNA perspective, it’s all about getting that sperm to the egg.

But here’s the thing:

If a woman’s subconscious objects to having an orgasm, for whatever reason, it will not happen.

Therefore, you must appeal to her mental sexuality.

While women have the chemistry to be sexual, it has absolutely no effect if the mental is not there.

That is a defense against being impregnated by a lesser man.

Often as a marriage deteriorates and the trust and connection with it, a woman’s subconscious becomes repulsed by the husband, and the sex dries up.

Often that is cited as the reason for the divorce.

The many women I spoke with, were recently divorced:

In almost every case, she had become bored with her husband. Basically, she lost respect for him.

The interesting thing is, she was no longer excited about sex. She may have even stopped having orgasms. She no longer could get aroused. She could not even get excited through fantasies. She didn’t even masturbate anymore.

Her subconscious was shutting down her sexuality.

She would actually become convinced that there was something wrong with her.

Then, she would get divorced. After some time, she would start dating again and go through a string of dorks and jerks.

Then… she would meet an exciting man, a man who stimulates her mind, who leads her, who brings out in her that sexual creature that yearns to live. She becomes highly sexual and can’t get it enough.

The cycle begins again.

This illustrates how female sexuality is all mental.

The chemical reactions simply follow the mental.

Bring Out Her Inner Slut!

Forget your failures and focus on THIS…

2 Ways to Positively Deal with Rejection (When You Are Learning Game)…

I had a very weird weekend…

I just wasn’t really feeling going out but somehow ended up doing it anyway.

Some nights you get “rewarded” for this.

This weekend was NOT one of those times, and it got me thinking.

Ironically enough about how to think to keep yourself SANE as you are getting better with women.

As I went through my journey in through the community, I accidentally went down a lot of WRONG roads in terms of the way I thought.

So I’ll be trying to help you guys avoid these pitfalls that a lot of guys fall into.

Today I want to talk about something I realized this weekend; the importance of having “a short memory.”

One thing I constantly drill into myself is the idea that past results are no indicator of future success.

As a result you want to spend as LITTLE time as possible thinking about your past failures.

Especially when you’re out in the “field”. When you’re out meeting women, it’s really important that you maintain your state at all costs.

So when an approach goes badly you need to be able to forget it as soon as it happens.

Here’s a few ways that my friends and I will deal with rejections.

1. Laugh about them and BLOW them out of proportion with your friends.

Instead of saying the girls were uninterested and never hooked, I’ll say they were “Fembot lesbians of death.”

2. Blaming the girls.

I got this one from one of my natural roommates in college. Anytime a girl would reject him, he would just say she was a bitch. And that would be it.

So now when I get blown out, I’ll often think to myself, “Wow a lot of lesbians out tonight.”, or “Man all these girls are weird.” You don’t actually say it to the girls, but to yourself or your friends as a joke.

Then immediately forget the approach and go do another one. The field is not a place to analyze yourself. It’s a place to take action.

The flip side of this is that you do want to dwell on your successes. When you have an “on” night or get a great reaction you want to remember that and use it as motivation to do future approaches.

I personally like to think about other successes I’ve done right before I go into an approach.

You also want to make sure that you take responsibility for your success and don’t downplay them, by saying it wasn’t you the girl was just looking to get laid etc…

If you can keep yourself from dwelling on the bad approaches in the past and VISUALIZING failure you’ll be halfway home. If you can find confidence from your successes you’ll be all the way there.

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What Your Ex Is Doing Right NOW

Since you’re reading this, I’m going to assume 3 things:

You’re lonely and feeling down and depressed
You’re wondering what your ex is doing right now
You want your ex back so you can kill your loneliness and kill all the mystery
Well you know how they say the truth hurts? This is going to hurt a little…

Here’s what your ex is probably doing right now as you read each and every word of this message….

She’s thinking of her new man. Thinking of how he gives her all those butterflies in her stomach that make her excited to wake up every morning…

She’s wondering about how to keep his attention. Maybe she’ll do it by sending some naughty pics of her “assets”…

She’s wondering what she’ll wear to their date tonight. And whether or not she’ll wear panties underneath…

She’s wondering how to seduce him further. Should she wear sexy lingerie after the date while they Netflix and chill? Will she go full-naughty and wear those crotchless panties she just bought?…

She’s fantasizing about how it will feel to have him inside her. And how good it will feel to wake up by his side…

Most of all, she’s fantasizing about their future together. And how he’ll be able to fulfill her needs like YOU never could.

Of course, she could be doing none of the above…


Because she could be in bed with him right now. And she could be so “busy,” she won’t have time to think.

Now I’m sure reading this has ticked you off to no end. But before you spy on her social media to see who her new man is, do this instead:

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How ugly guys sleep with girls way “out of their league”

Here’s a shocking fact:

Did you know that a woman can be 100% attracted to you, but NEVER want to sleep with you?

And yet…

A woman can be totally UN-attracted to you…

And still get physical with you immediately!

If you’ve ever seen a girl hook up with some douchebag she didn’t even like, and then complain about it afterwards… then you know this is true.

Why Girls Bang JERKS (the truth you were never told)?

Click here to learn more

A Dom always protects his woman

A Dom is first and foremost a protector of his woman. She must feel safe and protected by you for her to be able to open up and be wildly sexual.

You protect her from both outside forces like weirdo guys and from having a jealous or untrustworthy boyfriend.

That means you also protect her from your own BS!

Let me use an example that many of you and I have experienced:

Other men approaching your woman in a bar or a nightclub.

At some point, you are going to have to visit the Men’s room. This is where it gets interesting.

Simply say, “Okay, Baby, I gotta visit the Men’s room. I’ll be right back.” Don’t make a big deal out of it. She’s a big girl and can handle being alone as she waits for you. Then leave for the Men’s room. Make your visit as quick as possible.

Understand this: She will be a woman standing alone at the bar.

It’s like raw meat for the hungry circling sharks. There is an extremely high probability that some guy will approach her and start talking to her. How you handle, this is very important.

When you return from the Men’s room, and some guy is talking to your woman, you don’t know who he is. Chances are he is simply some guy trying to pick her up.

But he could be her boss or some guy who works for her. Or he could be an ax murderer. You simply don’t know.

When you return to her, face her, put your arm around her waist, say, “Hi Baby” and pick up your drink and take a sip. It’s as if you are ignoring the guy.

You have made it clear that this is your woman, without confronting him. Chances are the guy will simply walk away.

Do NOT ask her about it. Do NOT make a big deal out of it. Simply return to regular conversation. If she wants, she will tell you about what the guy said, and she probably will, but do NOT ask her about it.

It’s as if it’s no big deal to you. It’s as if it happens all the time because she is so attractive to men. Remember, it was not her fault that some guy approached.

Be protective, not possessive. And do it without challenging anybody.

Are you starting to get the Dom vibe yet?

If it is some guy she knows, she will introduce you to him. In this case, shake his hand and support your woman in her life and her friends.

If it is a persistent predator that continues bullying his way in, do NOT challenge the guy. Simply say to your woman, “I have something to show you” and take her hand and lead her away from the situation. When you have taken her to a neutral location, say to her, “I was concerned about that guy, so I took you away from that situation.” She will then fill you in on what the predator said.

Again, protect her, do not be possessive. And do NOT in any way blame her for what happened.

Never condemn your woman for talking to some guy who was trying to pick her up. Maybe your woman just didn’t want to be rude trying to get him to buzz off. We all know that some men can be persistent. Just leave it be.

Now she feels safe. You have her covered, and you have your own shit together.

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