
Who does a goddess fall in love with?

Imagine a woman who is so sexy that she turns every head when you walk in the room with her…

Imagine a woman so beautiful, and with such presence that everyone flirts, doors open for her, and she never hears the word “no.”

She’s a goddess. Men would do anything to be with her. So would women.

She has the world at her feet.

What kind of man is man enough to be with her?

What kind of man could satisfy her and provide the dominance for her to feel safe enough to let her guard down and be feminine?

I think you already know the answer…

Only a Competent Lover could do that!

Forget what you may think, these are some of the most intelligent savvy and sexual women in the world…

…and they can smell bullshit a mile away.

If you have a weakness or if you are in any way disingenuine – she’ll know.


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The places you go to meet women!

Let’s jump straight in…

You want to have a variety of places you go to where you can either meet or bring women you’re interested in.

Generally you should have at least 3 different places that you can meet women.

It’s good to meet girls at bars, coffee shops, and at the gym.

You can also bring dates to all 3 of these places to socially proof myself with the people that work there.

This brings us to the SECOND point of places you go.

Social proof and “high status treatment.”

You might go 3 different bars within 5 blocks of your apartment where your could skip lines, and get free drinks.

This happens because you go to these bars multiple times a week for a variety of different reasons.

On the weekends, you would go there to pick up girls, on weekdays you would go there with girls you are seeing or on dates…

Sometimes you can just go there to eat some appetizers and chat with the staff.

The point is you want to be seen A LOT.

One mistake guys make when they are trying to network or get “hooked up” is they ask for names too early. You don’t want to look like you’re desperately trying to make friends with the bartender as that can be transparent.

Also make sure to tip well early on. You don’t have to keep tipping that well but you should always leave more than 15% for bartenders.

Another thing you can do to stand out is order the same drink every time. Don’t do anything cheesy like ask for the “usual”. But if you do this right, the bartenders should ask you if you want your drink a few weeks in.

You also want to make sure that you bring girls around these places AS MUCH as possible. As silly as it sounds word does get around bars and regulars do exist.

The more people are talking about how you’re always in there with different girls, the easier it will be to get special treatment and sleep with members of the bar staff…

Lastly you want to make sure that you befriend the “regulars.”

Seducing women and making friends actually has the EXACT same skill in common.

People you are going to see OVER and OVER again. You want to make the best possible impression with these people. The more they like you, the more they will help you in a variety of ways.

The FIRST way regulars can help you is by providing you with a “home base.” When you’re out alone, or with a date, you can always stop by and chat with some of the regulars.

It helps you with “social proof” on dates, and helps get you warmed up and talkative when you are out alone.

The SECOND way that getting to know regulars helps you is through make shift social circles.

Regulars often have friends who come out every once in awhile, oftentimes these friends are attractive women from out of town looking to party that night.

An introduction goes a long way in that situation.

You can reap similar benefits in coffee shops, yoga classes, and gyms as well.

So bear all of this in mind as you go about your life.

Talk to ya soon,

P.S. You’ll get great results if you build a thriving network of social connections and venues like this. It takes work, but it’s worth it.

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The Easiest “Shortcut” To Getting Her in Bed!

There is the Law of Psychology called “Effort Justification.”

It says: whenever you put effort into something, you automatically want it more.

This applies to dating, money, success… anything.

So you can sit back and relax while she automatically becomes more and more attracted to you…

All the way to the point where she’d be dragging your lazy ass straight into her bedroom!

Check out this video here where he explains how to do it:

For example…

Have you ever known a girl who’s boyfriend treated her like crap, but she still wouldn’t leave him?

The more effort she puts into that guy, the more she feels she HAS to stay with him… even if he’s a total douchebag!

And she will justify it to herself by saying “it’s meant to be,” or believing she can “fix” the guy.

That’s the law of “Effort Justification” at work.

Here’s what this means for you.

If you want a woman to sleep with you… date you… and maybe even fall head over heels in love with you…

You have to make her put in EFFORT to win you over.

Chasing her by texting her all the time… buying drinks and dinners…
showering her with compliments… will only make her keep running away from you

If you are putting in all this WORK to try and “demonstrate your value” to women then
you need to rethink your behavior.

Click here to learn more

The process of becoming “confident”!

I was reading about a principle in Neuro-Linguistic Programming called “The 4 Levels Of Learning”. These four levels are the steps that a person takes to become a master at anything.

As I was reading, I almost had to laugh because it exactly maps the process I went through in becoming better with women and sexuality.

Just as accurately, it reflects the journey that all of you will follow as you learn our group’s material, apply it to your own experience and ultimately make it your own.

Let me walk you through these four steps and apply them to my own journey. My guess is you’ll have a few lights bulbs go off as you relate these to your own experiences:

1.) The first step – Unconscious Incompetence.

This is where you don’t know what you don’t know.

I didn’t know why I got dumped. I was perplexed and frustrated. It sucks at this stage.

2.) Conscious Incompetence

At this stage, you KNOW how much you don’t know and how incompetent you are.

After my divorce, I sought to find out what happened. I sought the truth in reality.

I realized what I was doing wrong. I learned that I had been a victim of social programming.

I learned I was a “nice guy.” I learned that I wasn’t being “dominant.”

And I realized how far I still had to go.

3.) Conscious Competence

This is the part where you actually become competent to do a thing. But you have to focus and consciously do it. You have to walk yourself through the steps. It’s not quite an automatic at this point.

I learned what women really wanted. I learned what the bad boys were doing that was so powerful. I learned how not to be a “nice guy.”

I learned what to do right and started doing those things. I learned how to talk dirty. I learned how to lead and take the initiative.

I felt like I was being “cocky.” I was surprised that it worked so well. But I still had to continually focus on making sure that I was getting it right.

With practice and successes, I felt more comfortable with it. I felt “confidence.”

4.) Unconscious Competence

This is where the magic happens. This is where you can competently do a thing without ever having to think about it.

This is when it becomes “Knowingness.” It is who you are.

At the advanced level of being competent, it’s like you do everything right, you do everything on autopilot, and you just simply know you are doing the right things to get the result.

…Without ever having to think about it.

It’s like you are a magician. You touch her mind and body as no one else can, and she wonders what is it about you anyway?

This is the wonderful place to get to. This is the condition that has to exist for all of those wonderful stories you hear to happen.

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How to handle girls who are flaky!

Rule 1: There’s always going to be some flaking with people. Not just women. People in general. This doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with you.

They might be lazy, something better came along, something important came up, or they just forgot.

In the case of my girl, her cat might have died, she might have moved to Gibraltar, or her phone might have been destroyed… or she might’ve just plain NOT been that interested.

Not the best, but it’ll happen. Nothing you or I or anyone can do about it. Move on.

But here’s what you CAN do:

Rule 2: Qualify hard and soon!

QUALIFYING is how you gauge a woman’s level of interest in you. The more skilled you get, the more you’ll be able to do much of this based on her “non-verbal communication.” But you’ll also always need to qualify.

Because if you don’t, you’ll end up with a flake.

Qualifying is basically any action or statement that demonstrates you want to sleep with her that night and that you view her as a sexual partner.

Girls that aren’t interested won’t go along with this. They’ll shoot you down or become visibly uncomfortable.

Usually do this by saying something like “I’m totally gonna try and get in your pants all night.”

(Feel free to steal that).

Whether or not this would have worked isn’t relevant. What’s relevant is that it sets the precedent for the interaction, and also gets her mind working on where the night is GOING.

If she stays with me, on some level she’s telling herself she’s down for it, so when her friend arrives, she’s already made her decision.

This is why you want to qualify. Make your intentions known. Be playful. Set the precedent.

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Boost YOUR Energy and Impact on women With Simple Skills!

If you had to pinpoint the most essential trait any man can have, it would probably be this:

Without confidence, your life will be lacking in almost every single department…

Because confidence is what helps you push forward. Helps you take risks that lead to rewards. And helps you do this:

ATTRACT things!

Confidence can help you attract advancements in your career. It can help you attract friends. And maybe most importantly to you, it can help you attract lovers…

Unfortunately, not all men are blessed with the confidence that The Rock has. And you can tell they lack it simply by the way they walk around…

Have you ever seen a guy who looked MISERABLE? Someone who looked like he HATED every single second of his life on this planet? A bona fide BETA male?

You probably have. And he probably exuded this lousy body language:

Slumped shoulders while looking down at the ground.

Believe it or not, your posture and body language can fluctuate with your confidence level. So if you haven’t been feeling so hot lately and are looking for a confidence boost, do this:

1. Breathe deeply – almost as if you’re giving your entire body and mental outlook a much-needed reset.

2. Stand tall and look forward – as if you’re actually proud of who you are and what you represent.

3. Push your shoulders back – until you feel that stretch like you’re putting them in their proper place.

Using this proper posture will not only make you LOOK more confident, it should make you FEEL more confident as well.

What other things to do that make you confident with women?

Click here to learn more

The quality of your beliefs

An interesting question from a guy today:


“I have no problem meeting women but always have problems with the nicer looking ones I cannot seem to have good relationships with the 7.s and up The 4. And 5’s call me all the time. I need to have a good sexual time with a woman who is in a single digit dress size.”


So, what’s this guy’s problem?

His problem is improper beliefs.

Low self-esteem actually comes from negative, disempowering beliefs about yourself as well as about women.

He states that his problem is that he can’t attract hot women, 7’s and up (his words).

My thought on this?

There should be no difference in his mind between a woman who isn’t very attractive and one who is.

Frankly, all of them want master lovers, and any of them would be lucky to have one.

Look, as men, we are visual creatures. We see a woman looking hot, and that’s about all it takes to get us stimulated.

And unfortunately, we become our own worst enemy and put these women on pedestals thinking them somehow superior to ourselves or to other women.

And that’s what’s going on subconsciously with this guy. A woman’s attractiveness should not have a bearing on his ability to attract her (or keep his composure when he’s around her).

He probably pedestalized beautiful women all of his life and goes into an automatic panic attack whenever he’s around one.

…Like so many of us are conditioned to do!

He should really have more of an attitude of “you’d be lucky to get my sexual attention” when he’s dealing with his 7’s and up.

That is a far more empowering way to look at this.

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The danger that young men face today!

You know, about 100 years ago there wasn’t a whole lot of need for something like masterful lover.

Men were men. They slew dragons and took care of their wives and families.

Women were women. They were submissive, they supported their men, and they raised children.

It didn’t have to be negotiated. It was expected. It was what anyone living in decent society did.

Some of you may decry that as old-fashioned, and that’s fine, but the divorce rate was low, fathers fathered their children and the greatest economic expansion in history took place under those circumstances.

Many contend that our modern enlightened culture has gotten lost.

Women are raised to be leaders in the workplace, not nurturers.

Men are taught to be sensitive and nurturing…

…And they end up leaving their masculinity on the curb.

A lot of men are starting out now as “Nice Guys” primarily because they were raised by women.

Father not around. Maybe this is you.

Here are a couple snippets from one guy’s letter:


“As a young boy that had lost the only male figure in his life, figuring out how to be a man in a house of women was turning out to be tough. I had no idea what being a man was about or the ideas/beliefs/values that made a man a man.

The only person I had left was mom, and God bless her; she did the best that she could.

When I hit adolescence, there were a ton of physical and mental changes that came with it. It was an “apocalyptic” moment in my life where I desperately needed a male role model in all previous capacities with the addition of male biology and sexuality.

…I was afraid of my own sexuality… I had not yet discovered a healthy outlet in which to express these newfound desires. I eventually discovered pornography, which was meaningless.

The worst part about it was I think I became addicted to it.

It was a multiple daily habit that had really bad side effects. I think My sexual mentally towards women was altered towards objectification for instant gratification.

You talk a lot about female sexuality. But there are many out there who have no idea what healthy male sexuality is. I bet less than 20% of us boys today really know what it means to be a man from a man’s perspective.”


He had no idea what being a man was about. Well, of course not. The women who raised him, no matter how well-intentioned, cannot give what they do not have.

They don’t know how to be a man – and, now, neither does he.

And so, unfortunately, like so many directionless guys, he gets addicted to porn.

Porn addiction usually leads to performance issues.

At the moment, you’re a little upside down and backward.

The solution is to retrain yourself – to build a foundation of correct knowledge and beliefs.

Click below to learn more…

Be The Fucking Man!

Women keep score in the bedroom!

Most of us expect a certain level of quality in our lives.

We won’t settle for mediocrity.

And we always take full responsibility for our circumstances.

I’d like you to focus on service “AFTER THE SALE”:

Your Skill Set After You Spent The Night With Her!

That’s where the real make or break is for men (and women) looking for real happiness.

You need to be good in bed, or she will be unhappy. And so will you.

That’s why it really is a pleasure to work with you guys and watch you succeed the way you do.

You’re giving men a Good Name! And you’re giving women AMAZING Satisfaction!


If you don’t specifically know how to be a Master Lover, you’re essentially handicapped in the bedroom.

I’ve seen pick up artists who can create a really attractive identity and run some killer game on a beautiful girl…

…But he pulls her home, and the sex sucks.

He provided no service after the sale, and she lost his number FAST.

Women definitely keep score in the bedroom.

And if you’re married, it’s even worse…

She’s been keeping score for years, and if you’re not getting the job done, you are headed for HEARTBREAK.

A lot of guys don’t get this, but women are HORNY creatures! In many ways Hornier Than Men!

That’s why the ability to take command in the bedroom and give a woman Amazing Pleasure as well as overwhelm her mind with desire, is The Ultimate Weapon For A Man.

This power allows you to keep her captivated and enthralled.

Click here to learn more…
Bring Out Her Inner Slut

The greatest “Nice Guy” rant ever posted!

There’s a great rant about Nice Guys that I like to show.

There has never been anything else like it.

It was posted on Craigslist from a self-described “angry feminist bitch,” (her exact words) who had had it with lame, boring, Nice Guy lovers.

It was titled “Just fucking fuck me already.” And it was awesome.

She thanks the Nice Guys for being so thoughtful in a scary post-feminist society but then says, “Just please fuck me already!”

(Even angry feminists need dominant men who get the job done in the bedroom.)

I think that it’s especially important to re-expose the readership to this today, in light of the fear and trepidation that men have today in the wake of #metoo.


The first pointer, in her words;

“When we get hot and heavy, please take charge. Please, please fuck me. Trust me I’m not going to just lay still, I’ll get involved. But don’t make me force your hand into my panties.”


Allow me to spell that out: D O M I N A N C E.

Another pointer she gives:


“A little roughness is nice. Do not pretend that you have no idea that some women like their hair pulled. Do not act shocked if she wants you to spank her. Really, Spanking? Won’t it hurt? Yes, it does, that’s the fucking point.”


With the above, she’s giving you a cue to take the lead.

Women are incredibly turned on by a man’s desire for her. And she’ll respond powerfully when takes the lead and takes what he wants (her).

Here’s some more gold:


“It’s OK for you to make noise. Otherwise, we feel like we are fucking a ninja. Unless you actually are a ninja and have snuck into our rooms with vibrating nunchaku and zippered black pajamas, please make some noise. If you’re banging a woman, and she’s crying out and saying
your name and moaning, and you can’t even manage a grunt, she’s going to feel like an idiot.”


This is the number one reason that you act dominant and show your desire for her. It’s to make her feel desirable!

And this is my favorite:


“Most women like dirty talk, in addition to the grunting. If you’d like to get some dirty talk going, ask her if she likes the way you fuck her. If she responds well, continue with something like, “I love fucking you. God, you look so fucking hot. Still moaning? Your tits are so beautiful. She still responding? Oh, God, your pussy is so tight. If all of these work move on to things like sexy little bitch and dirty whore.

Tread carefully, but please tread. Do not tiptoe. Do not sit down. Charge.”


I think this is perfectly stated.

I don’t think I could ever present you with a better reason to study “Bring Out Her Inner Slut”

Get started now.

Bring Out Her Inner Slut