
Women can smell “needy” (by David Shade)

Whenever a Nice Guy writes to me about his tales of woe, it always comes down to some way that he’s acting like a needy bitch and turning her off.

And that’s because he has crappy self-esteem and disempowering beliefs about women and sexuality.

Fixing this is the first thing a man must do when beginning his journey.

Let me share with you part of a letter from Tom, and then I’ll tell you exactly what’s hanging him up:


“I do everything to be around girls all the time. I’m still not getting dates and getting sex. Not only do I have problems meeting girls, but also, I have problems getting friends and a social circle.

I don’t feel good around groups of people. I find them boring. I’d rather be alone or with one or two other friends. I wasn’t socialized properly as a child.

It’s my 30th birthday in a couple of days, and I’m worried if I don’t get laid soon, nothing will happen, and I’ll lose my motivation and faith.”


Tom has a scorching case of Nice Guy. He does everything he can to be around women all the time and isn’t escalating or creating attraction.

I only gave you guys a part of the letter, but the whole thing is about how he’ll never get laid, and he’s losing hope.

It’s a very sad attitude, and that’s what’s killing him.

Look, women can smell you’re needy and don’t have it together.

It’s like invisible chick repellant.

I learned very early on that in order to have incredible sex and incredible relationships with women; you have to BELIEVE YOU DESERVE IT.

If you don’t believe it, it’s never going to happen. With crappy beliefs, you will find ways to SABOTAGE a good thing if it comes your way.

…And how you do anything is how you do everything. If Tom takes an inventory of himself and improves his self-esteem and gets the proper beliefs about women and sexuality, a funny thing will happen…

EVERYTHING will improve – relationships, connection with women, and responsiveness in the bedroom.

In Tom’s case, I got him started on Cure Nice Guy

That is the most fundamental product as it takes a man through the process of correcting his beliefs and turning his self-esteem around, to take charge and start to be the man.

Click here to learn more… Cure Nice Guy

Say THIS if she calls you a player…

Today we have question from the mailbag… I think you’ll find this super helpful.


I’m really starting to get this stuff, but now I’m facing new problem…

I’m afraid women will now see me as a player.

Is there anything wrong with this?

How do you deal with it?”

– Tim


Logic, my friend.

Here’s how the conversation SHOULD go down…

Her: You are such a player.
You: And your point would be?

Her: Well, I want a man to pay attention to me, only. Why are you that way?
You: Would you agree that it’s hard to find somebody to click with?

Her: Yes
You: Would you also agree that you have to date a few different people to increase the chances of meeting someone great?

Her: Yes
You: So, are you saying that I should sit on my couch, watching T.V. every night, while waiting for the right woman to walk through my living room?

Her: No
You: Exactly. Any more questions?

Try it and let me know what happens 😉

Ok, so you might be reading this right now, and you’re probably wondering…

“What’s The Best Way For Me to REALLY Learn This Stuff?”

Hey, I’m glad you asked.

Success with women really comes down to learning a new way to think about women, then combining it with the actual techniques that cause women to feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION.

If you’re ready for SUPER success with women, then I highly recommend that you go download online ebook “Attract Hotter Women.“

It’s JAM PACKED with ideas that you can learn and use starting TONIGHT. You can go download it right now and be reading it within just a few minutes.

Download it here:


…to get it.

This material isn’t taught anywhere else.

It’s the best investment you can make in your dating life, period… end of story.

Bottom line: Go get your copy.

And I’ll talk to you again in a couple of days.


P.S. If you want more “come backs” to beat all of her tests, be sure to study the book:
Click here to learn more…
No More Shit Tests

Stop Sucking At Life; Stop Sucking With Girls!


One of the things I’m sure I’ve joked about on here many times is the idea that some people suck at life.

These people are generally unhealthy (overweight, out of shape, acne, unibrows and bad grooming) anti-social (either through shyness or weird antisocial behavior like nerd arrogance) and unsuccessful (in their career, their goals, financially etc…)

These also happen to be the majority of guys who complain that girls are mean, pickup is hard etc..

The reason it’s hard is because you suck.

The reason no girls like you, is because you suck.

The reason why you get blown out when (if) you approach is because you suck.

You cannot become more successful with women when the rest of your life is a complete and utter mess.

And I know there are some losers reading this who are going to write a comment about how their friend who is broke and fat and whatever gets all kinds of chicks.

Well guess what they are the exception not the rule.

The reason you are so excited to see the one guy who is a loser and gets chicks while ignoring the thousands of guys who have their shit together and get women, is because you are the rule not the exception.

So if you want to get better with women, take a real hard look at where you are in your life and work on fixing that first.

Then maybe the tactics and techniques will work for you and you’ll stop complaining like a whiny little bitch.

Click here to learn more

This Is The Ultimate Attraction Switch

I’m going to put on my best Morpheus voice…

What if I told you there was a way you could get women insanely into you, whilst also screwing up 90% of “game”?

Sounds good right? Well that’s what this email is all about.

As some of you guys know, there are four characteristics of Natural Attraction.

For the sake of review the 4 characteristics are:

– Being Interesting
– Being Masculine
– Being Fun
– Being Confident

Today I want to zoom in specifically on the idea of being FUN.

I have often said that fun is the “ultimate attraction switch”. And for good reason…

I remember the first time I realized this, I was in Central Park with a former student. He had approached a group of girls and was in my opinion at the time doing EVERYTHING wrong.

He was demonstrating low value, being needy, etc…

But the girls kept talking to him and continued wanting to hang out…

Why was this?

The answer was: They were having fun!

The reason fun is the “ultimate attraction switch”, is that it overrides everything else.

If talking to you is the most fun option for the girl, she’s going to keep doing it, even if it means ignoring her friends, the dance floor, etc…

Fun is fully definable.

Fun is a surplus of positive emotions. The more good emotions you make a woman feel, the more fun you are. Simple as that.

But this doesn’t mean you start acting like a “performing clown.”

(That’s what most guys do, and it doesn’t work. You just come off like your begging for laughs).

Here’s what you want to do:

Humor is one of the best tools for conveying fun. Whether or not you want to believe it, I have NEVER met a guy who was great with women who wasn’t at least a little bit funny.

If you want to get better results with women, you HAVE to be able to make them laugh consistently.

If you need help with this, you can take Improv classes, watch more stand-up comedy or just try to make more jokes in day to day life.

Like it not, this is a skill that can be practiced. So start PRACTICING.

Another major tenet of fun is the idea of self-amusement.

Self-amusement is the ability to genuinely feel amused by what you’re doing, the jokes you’re telling, and the situations you’re in.

Get rejected? You see the funny side. Say a cocky line? It makes you grin.

This isn’t something you want to fake. It’s something you want to stem from a genuine enjoyment in your own life.

I simply cannot overestimate how much having fun helps with picking up girls!

Lots of guys get way too obsessed with demonstrating value and neglect making sure that they’re interactions with women are fun first for them and then for the woman they are speaking to!

Click here to learn more

5 Dating Excuses You Can NEVER Use Again

While helping to coach men in the seduction field, I’ve come across TONS of excuses as to why they can’t get laid. Things like:

“I’m so short, you can see my feet on my driver’s license.”
“I’m so broke, burglars break into my house and leave me money.”
“I’m so fat, I sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad.”
“I’m so old, my memory is in black and white.”
“My dong is so small, it looks like it belongs on an action figure.”

Well you could suffer from ALL of those things. But once you use these seduction techniques, you’ll NEVER use those excuses again.


Because it’s going to teach you the language of LUST.

In other words, you’ll learn how to TALK your way into woman’s pants. Even if she initially sees you as physically, financially, or sexually repulsive…

Start talking your way in between women’s legs today!

Click here to Bring Out Her Inner Slut

Fitting a square peg in a round hole!

One of the significant flaws in a Nice Guy’s mental make-up is codependence. They feel they need a woman to love them to feel complete and happy.

It’s in all the great love songs on the radio. It permeates everything.

The irony here is that it’s ultimately disempowering. That NEED makes a Nice Guy act in a way that is a total turnoff to a woman. It gets him the exact opposite result of what he wants.

Often it has guys trying to “fix” situations that aren’t worth fixing.

The one I’m about to share with you came from a reader, Barry, who is in his eighties.

I want you to read his question and before you read my response, think about what advice YOU would give him.

Here’s Barry:

I’m attempting to romance an 80-year-old woman who is entirely ill-suited to the notion of becoming a pleasing lover.

However, we are great friends and truly love one another.

She regards our intimacy as a burden she bears willingly because she loves me.

I have read Ian Kerner’s, “She Comes First” and done everything he suggests.

She doesn’t find oral sex any more pleasing than intercourse.

I’ve also read “Passionate Marriage” and “Love Sex Again.” Nothing has helped.

Do you have any suggestions beyond the obvious, that I should move on to someone else?”

My thoughts for Barry:

First off, good for you having and desiring regular sex at 80 plus years of age! You’re already a champion in my book.

Now on to your questions –

Why would you keep trying to please a woman who clearly has no interest in having sex with you?

Enjoy your friendship, appreciate her, but move on to someone else romantically.

You are trying too hard to fit a square peg into a round hole, and that’s precisely what Nice Guys do because they live in lack and think they’ll never have sex again.

And forget the oral sex book of the week on Amazon; you need “Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.”

And it’s about a lot more than orgasms. It about how to talk dirty, how to set the tone, and take the lead to create a wildly sexual relationship. It gives you all the components you need to build it right from the beginning, so you never end up with a woman who loves you but bears the burden of intimacy – I mean what the hell is that?

When you get to the main program, you’ll never have to wonder how to proceed again.

The 5 Secrets of State (feeling your MOJO)!

How to Control Your “State of Mind” Around Women…
No, this isn’t an email about the CIA…

Today I’m going to talk to you briefly about one of the most important factors in determining your success with women on ANY particular night.

I’m talking about your “state of mind.”

State as it’s often called refers to your overall feeling of happiness.

Are you in a fun, positive, indifferent, social mood?

Or are you in a judgmental, timid, shy, mood?

If you’ve ever had a really “on” night, you were “in state.”

State is characterized by the following:

Indifference to others opinions. Increased social freedom. Loss of Time Sense. Relaxed Body Language and more…

Sounds pretty good right?

So how can we maintain develop and maintain a positive emotional state?

1. Get daily exercise.

Nothing helps your state more than getting daily exercise.

The release of endorphins alone can BOOST your state as well as lower your blood pressure and anxiety. You don’t have to hit the weights like a Guido getting ready for Winter Music Festival but 15-30 minutes of moderate exercise daily is a must.

2. Warm up socially.

When it comes to state, you don’t need to go from shy and down to Mr Outgoing right away.

Instead you want to merely get over the “indifference threshold.” You simply want to not care what people’s reactions to you are. I like to warm up by complimenting three different people. I like to compliment guys and girls and then just walk away.

3. Attract social feedback.

This is what I like to call priming the PUMP.

In game you are going to become the focal point of SOCIAL FEEDBACK. By that I mean we will have people reacting to us socially.

Sometimes positively, sometimes negatively but you will be exposed to social feedback. So you want to get exposed as early as possible.

I like to sing or dance around or make up elaborate games to play with friends. As long as people are looking at you it’s a good thing. You just may not want to do this in the venue you’ll be approaching in 🙂

4. Always look your best.

This one is a no brainer, but guys really screw up here. Make sure that every time you leave the house you are ready to approach. You don’t want to give yourself an extra excuse like “I don’t have gel in my hair.” Or “I’m wearing shorts.”

5. Surrender to the moment.

Don’t try to force yourself in state ever. That’s a huge mistake. Whenever you’re feeling shy, or uncomfortable ACCEPT those feelings.

Always remember that feelings are fleeting and just because you feel down at 10:01 doesn’t mean you’ll still be there at 10:10.

We’ll talk more about getting into state in future but try out these 3 tactics tonight and let me know how they worked for you.

P.S. One of the easiest ways you can have a permanently high level of state is by not putting so much pressure on yourself.

Understanding how female sexuality works, and building confidence in your ability to seduce them is the single best way to turn that pressure off.

These are some of the best techniques for learning how… Click here to learn more

How to develop an “Attractive Voice”

Today we’re talking about Vocal Projection.

Y’know, Pavarotti style.

It has been said many times that your voice is your NUMBER ONE tool to attract women.

But the number one problem guys have is not being loud enough.

We’re going to fix that today.

The power for your voice comes from your breath.

This is the number one thing to remember when it comes to vocal projection. You want to speak on the exhale.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to take a deep breath before doing an approach.

Make sure that you’re speaking from your diaphragm not your throat. Your diaphragmatic muscles are located near where your ribs come together.

If you exhale all the breath out until your body forces you to breathe, your diaphragm will contract.

Here are some other tips:

1) In general, aim your voice one person beyond the person you want to hear you!

2) For night-game, speak as loudly as possible. You have to make it socially awkward for the girl(s) to ignore you.

3) Don’t be afraid to scream if the music is too loud in a bar or club. Your voice is a muscle, it will come back stronger every time you lose it.

4) Speak louder to ignore conversational threads you don’t want to take. (Practice this with anyone.)

5) Lower your vocal projection once you’ve isolated a girl away from her friends. This creates intimacy.

6) For day-time approaches, speak in a normal tone, as if you’re reading the news. This will help the girls not get startled.

7) Remember you can have the best game in the world, but it doesn’t matter if no one can hear it.

Click here to learn more Be The Fucking Man!

So, seriously, how many men have you been with?

That is a question none of you should ever ask a woman.

If your woman gets the sense that you’re weak and insecure and jealous, it’s going to be lights out for your relationship.

I read an article in The Washington Post a while back titled, “My Boyfriend Was Intimidated By My Sexual History. So I Dumped Him.”

The author (a woman, obviously) got right to the point!

In the article, her boyfriend asked her how many people she had slept with.

…And not just how many people but details about things she had done.

After he badgered her for a while, she told him. He got angry and jealous.

Then when she turned it around and asked him, he “didn’t remember.”

…What a double standard.

After feeling judged and small for a few months, she dumped the idiot.

The author made it clear that, with his insecurity, he couldn’t provide her with the level of security and trust that she craved.

Only a strong man, who is secure in himself can provide her with that.

Words to the wise:

1. Never ask your woman how many people she has slept with.

It doesn’t matter.

She’s with you now and wants to continue to be with you.

2. Never tell her how many people you have slept with.

It doesn’t matter.

It is only a losing game to share the number of past lovers.

3. You need to believe that you are the best thing that has ever happened to her.

You must make sure you are the best lover she has ever had.

And this is precisely the way she wants it.

PS. – Are you the best lover she’s ever had?

If not, well…

The ultimate in confidence and dominance is super advanced program, “Be The Fucking Man.”

You may want to study every page and apply it. Do that, and it won’t matter that she’s ever been with another man before. After you get ahold of her, you will be the ONLY one.

Then you can join the ranks of the world’s best lovers and know what it feels like to have your woman virtually worshiping the ground you walk on and craving to be near you.

Click here to get it Be The Fucking Man!

What women love to do!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this. But the next time you see a bunch of women in a group, you’ll probably notice that they all love one thing:


Now you may hate talking. In fact, you may be the silent type. If this is true, here’s a tip:


Because if you don’t talk, women will NOT open their legs for you.

What’s the most common type of talk between a man and woman?

SMALL talk.

Small talk is when a conversation arises instantly. And it’s a must when talking to women on the street, on a date, or anywhere for the rest of your life.

Here are 5 reasons why small talk is essential:

1. It breaks the ice – You can use it to approach anyone and introduce yourself without seeming awkward.

2. It breaks down her defenses – You can use it to slowly show you’re not a threat and a “normal” guy.

3. It takes charge – When you initiate small talk with a stranger, it shows you can take initiative as a man and are confident.

4. It shows you can think on your feet – You don’t need a set-up conversation to speak to her. You can make one arise out of the ashes.

5. It shows you’re not boring – A bored woman will walk away. And a guy who cannot talk will bore her to death.

I could give you even more reasons why small talk is essential when seducing women. But that won’t teach you HOW to make small talk…

This eBook, on the other hand, WILL. And it’ll teach you how to make small talk SEXY so she’ll want to be more than “just friends”…

Small Talk Tactics: Making Small Talk Sexy