A lot of men think you need good looks to have a good love life. And while that may certainly help you seduce strangers on the surface, it’s not that necessary…
There’s one ingredient or trait that’s much more vital than good looks if you hope to score with women. And if you lack it, your love life (and other parts of your life as well) will be lacking:
You need it to attract friends. To attract a job/career. To attract success. And most of all, you need confidence to attract women.
This is probably why you’ve seen guys who weren’t the best looking. But that didn’t stop them from having a beautiful babe walking with them (and spare me the, “They have money” excuse).
Unfortunately, confidence is as elusive as good looks for many men. Luckily, even if you weren’t “born with it,” you can do things to increase your confidence level, such as this:
Take one step FORWARD.
No, I’m not suggesting you literally place one foot in front of the other. Instead, I’m suggesting you figuratively take one step forward in whatever it is you want to achieve…
For instance, you may lack confidence when it comes to approaching women, probably due to the fear of rejection…
You think that simply hearing “No” from a female you approach will end in instant death. So to avoid this fatal feeling, you don’t approach at all…
This can obviously cut down your chances at meeting new women. Because unless they approach you, you’re SCREWED…
To kill this fear and lack of confidence, make little moves that will bring you closer to reaching your goal of approaching…
Starting today, say that you’ll look at least 5 women in the eye – not like you want to kill or kidnap them – but just friendly eye contact matched with a smile…
Instead of walking with your head down due to a lack of confidence, your head will be up and making eye contact. And as you see some women react positively (they’ll smile back), you’ll start to see that they’re not so scary…
Once you have the eye contact down, you can include a quick “Hi” with each women you connect with. And once they say “Hi” back, you’re yet another step closer to getting the confidence you need to approach.
By simply taking small steps forward each and every day, you’ll gain confidence. And as your confidence rises, you’ll automatically become more attractive to the opposite sex.
Looking for more tips to attract and seduce women so you can start having more sex and even attract that perfect girlfriend?
Act NOW and catch it before MIDNIGHT, you’ll find PROVEN tips at this link that won’t just attract women…
They’ll get them BEGGING to be with you.
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