What is it about old college professors that makes them so attractive to sexy young babes?
I’ve seen this story play out in many a Hollywood movie, so I did some research to find out how true to life this is…
Like, do gorgeous young women actually want to hook up with their crusty old teachers?
Or is it just a scintillating fantasy that exists in the mind of screenwriters and directors?
Turns out, more than half of college students admit to sexually fantasizing about one of their professors…
And around 15% of them have acted on that desire and done the deed.
Now, chances are the numbers are even higher since this is only the ones who admitted to it…
But either way, that’s a lot of women in their prime choosing to give their bodies to men who are middle-aged or older.
Which begs the question, what’s the appeal these teachers have…
And how can you use their secret to rack up your own sexual conquests?
Well, it all comes down to one word:
Let me explain…
Imagine a 19-year old girl dreams of becoming a novelist. So she majors in English Literature and her professor is a 60-year old man who has had a couple of books published.
In this scenario, she’ll see the professor as the gateway to her ideal world…
He has already accomplished the things she dreams about, and is teaching her how to do the same…
Therefore he’s an authority over her world… and that triggers the need to seek his approval…
Which can manifest as an intense sexual desire, and wanting to be as close to him as possible.
This doesn’t only apply to English Lit. It’s true of all situations where a girl is studying something she’s truly passionate about.
That’s great, but I’m not a professor so how does this help ME? I hear you asking.
Good question.
What you need to do is take this principle of being an authority over her world, and apply it in your conversations with younger women.
Focus on finding something she’s passionate about – career aspirations, dream lifestyle, hobbies etc. – that you can demonstrate knowledge or expertise in.
If you’re much older than her, this shouldn’t be too hard to do.
For example, let’s say one of her dreams is to travel the world, but she’s never left her own country.
By sharing some of your own travel stories and experiences with her, it positions you as an authority she’ll look up to.
The key here is that you don’t just list off a bunch of places you’ve been… but that you focus on the emotional element of your experiences…
Such as how travel changed you and what you learned about yourself and the world around you…
Because THAT is the end result and major benefit she wants from traveling, more than the traveling itself.
It’s what it’ll do for her and how it’ll improve her life that’s really important.
And when you show that you understand her core desire like this, even better than she does herself…
That’s when you stand out as the authority figure she wants to be like and be close to…
Which ramps up her sexual attraction for you through the roof.
It’s your life experience and ability to share valuable insights with younger women that makes you so appealing…
And why you have a huge advantage over younger men who simply can’t compete with that.
Yet this is only one tactic of many that’ll leave younger men in your dust…
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